@Entai you need to get with the programme...maybe read about how they cheated using cheat devices to knowingly ‘cheat’ the system before you start lecturing us about your thoughts.
I am with the program thanks, in fact I spend every single day well within the program,. as that is all we do at work, test emissions , both in the lab and on the road, and compare them.
We have tested vehicles from all manufacturers, (into many thousands now, both brand new and second hand, both low milers and ones into hundreds of thousands of miles) and all of them cheat in some way or other.
However I can guarantee you there is not a VW out there, nor any other car from any other manufacturer, that does not fully meet its printed figures, without using any cheat devices, (software or hardware) when driven in the correct way under the correct circumstances.
Also drive the vehicles properly and maintain them properly and we have seen zero failures on any mechanical item within the power train, on any vehicle we have tested.
Oh and no we do not work for VW,nor are we owned by any manufacturer, we are completely independent and are doing this testing for a completely independent body.
Finally you also have to remember that EVERY SINGLE manufacturer cheats on their emissions, under certain conditions, they ALL have software and hardware systems that change the emissions dependent upon temperature ranges and other driving factors.
Why is it only VW have been picked on ?