Is this the same Mosque that we saw artist impressions of a few months ago, the huge building with a massive golden dome? There is no way that should be built, it's such an eye sore.
Don't take this the wrong way, but are you a proper practising Muslim then?Spawn said:I voted in favour of building the mosque, tbh its about time we muslims had a decent place to pray..dont like being over-crowded at my local one...kind of a bummer when your squashed right in.
I have no issues about my taxes being used to build one, just like i have no issues about my taxes being paid for an illegal war.
At the bottom it says "45074 votes", but when I click no, on that page is lists (45067 votes)SunaseIPs said:It doesn't count, check the totals.
Too bad the rest of us do, pay for it with your own money.Spawn said:I have no issues about my taxes being used to build one.
SunaseIPs said:Voted No
.:MBK:. said:liked one of the comments on the article "what would happen if we wanted to build a church in mecca, using thier tax money" theres a point right there
Spawn said:I voted in favour of building the mosque, tbh its about time we muslims had a decent place to pray.
KeizzerSoze said:I dont like the fact that as soon as people here Muslim they associate it with terrorism. This is wrong the Holy Quran mentions no terrorism. the real terrorists just use islam as an excuse. 99.9% of terrorists arent even real muslims they are people who pretend to be muslim to make themselves believe that the things they do are right not one of those terrorists have ever even read the Quran Because the Quran only talks about peace.
KeizzerSoze said:Back to the discussion I think the Giant mosque is a huge waste of Taxpayer money the only reason he wants to make the mosque is because of the huge amount of muslim population in the uk. Ken basically just wants to suck up to the muslims to get there votes for whatever upcoming election.
KeizzerSoze said:P.s you should have an open mind rather then believe everything the media tells you.
m0rte said:*sigh*......just ...*sigh*.....
Ridiculous idea
dmpoole said:Don't know what you're bothered about - this will eventually be a Muslim state whether you like it or not.