I don't smoke. I will never smoke.
However, the Government has stopped doing its job and has started to decide what we can do. Next comes what we can say, oh hang on, they are starting to do that now aren't they?
What Tony Blair and his Cronies are doing is just pandering to the whim of the media.
Nasty terrorists? No problem ID Cards will stop that!
Fox hunting? Let's stop that is is
so cruel!
Smoking. So, so bad let's take that away as well.
See where this is going? We know smoking is bad for you. It causes cancer amongst other nasties. Hey laser printer toner is a carcinogen as well, sahll we band that? Or what about EMR? That can cause cancer? Mobile phones? Cars?
Smoking is bad for you. Smoking is expensive and makes you smell. So? Exposure to passive smoke is bad, but how bad compared to the world of nasty chemicals and cancer causing elements we live in?
But the smokers have a right to enjoy a pint, pie and a fag. Non smokers have the same right to enjoy clean air. One pub can cater for the smokers, and if non smokers don't like it go to a pub where the landlord has banned smoking.
Who is going to police this ban? Not the police they can't keep up with proper crime. Citizens arrests then.
Listening to the unclued up swallow what the media says without question Joe Public is a bad idea. Full stop.
So we have soon-to-be mandatory ID cards at great cost to us and of no use in stopping terrorists. We have a ban on smoking that has been over hyped. What is next?
Beer? Sex? Extreme sports? The same argument for banning stuff is what applies to civil liberties. People say "If I haven't done anything wrong what have I to hide?" well the goverment can chnage the goal posts. SO it's smoking that is the big bad wolf but what if the next thing they ban is something you enjoy?
Makes you think.
Oh and if they could do the Thought Police from 1984 then Labour probably would!!!
I now need to calm down before I go to bed