I predict maybe a number of pubs and clubs closing over a period of years, not a drastic amount, but enough to hurt. Of course after a few weeks people will have a thousand figures showing how business is up...and this will be correct. Business will be up in the remaining pubs because a lot of their competition has closed down!
This was the case in America but i've yet to see anything regarding closures in Ireland, a much better match for the UK with regards to 'What's going to happen'.
In a day and age where people are constantly lacking self responsibility and turning to the courts to sue for trivial matters (we see them posted here every week) people need to understand that they make the choices to enter a pub. An employee makes the choice to work at a bar. Take responsibility.
Now the same government that has delved into what food schools can serve, how many vending machines schools can have, how many patients your local hospital needs to treat per day in order to be 'successful' are delving into the rights of owners of private property based on public moral concern and highly limited research data. These kinds of things should be managed on the local level, by people who are on site, not by the government because these kinds of issues and targets do not apply to everyone. Some pubs have gone non-smoking, others have remained smoking but the tide was changing (quite rapidy given our history) over time.
Some people would argue that this is their job, I would argue that this is none of their business.
It's quite upsetting that people straight away say 'yay I don't have to smell of smoke my lungs hurt will someone call me a waaaaaaaaaaaambulance?'
The bill is being brought in to protect the bar workers who are often young, work long hours and have no say in the running of the business. People see only as far as themselves for the most part but i'm not bothered about that, i'm bothered that almost no one sees the personal loss in terms of civil rights when it comes to themselves. We've lost more than we've gained.
This is all hidden under a veil of concern for health in a day and age when they've even linked 'that new car smell' to cancer.