Vote on smoking ban in public places

AcidHell2 said:
This belive it or not is an economic based society, if there is demand for smoke free pubs, then some one would provide them. As there would be huge profits to make.. I hate the idea of banning things.. If people wont smoke free pubs, why don't you buy a pub and make it smoke free.

just buy a pub, as one does?

and clearly there is demand, judging by the ban itself (voted in) and by the reactions from forum members

wolvotim said:
you could head butt me while drunk:D
whilst ** cig burns my arm? :D
cleanbluesky said:
Stay out of the pub! If going into pubs is that much hassle, stay out. That or its not really an issue is it.
A ban, good news! I find smoke gives me a bit of a nasal problem and (like others here) after about an hour it gets too much.
Why should I (or any other non smoker) stay out of the pub just because there's people in there who smoke? Perhaps they should stay out of the pub. I've got as much right to be there as them, i'm not doing anything in there to harm their health so why should it be alright when it's the other way round?
cleanbluesky said:
Okay. If it bothered you so much, why not just stay out of pubs?

It did and does bother me.

I did what most other non smokers do though.......put up with the selfish behaviour of many smokers so I could enjoy an all too infequent night out.

Now smokers will have to put up with smoking outside in the wet and cold.

I see no problem with that.

With the greatest respect Clearbluesky if we all kept to your sort of understanding of the world we would still be using asbestos in buildings because "someone was silly enough to buy a house with it in it so tough luck on them."

Your argument is flawed.
MrMatteh said:
just buy a pub, as one does?

and clearly there is demand, judging by the ban itself (voted in) and by the reactions from forum members

why not if its a sound business idea you can get the money. Enough people on here seem to be up for drinking in a smoke free pub..
MrMatteh said:
yes, but we're not eradicating smoking are we? just restricting where it can be done. Don't know how much revenue will slip by, but i can't see it being *that* much

well that's true. Id imagine that between bans at work and bans in public there isn't much time left to smoke lol
james.miller said:
well that's true. Id imagine that between bans at work and bans in public there isn't much time left to smoke lol
People will just smoke more at home to compensate I should reckon. :)
VIRII said:
I thought that there was legislation to do something about people who threatened others or incited murder ....
Yeah but that's to do with religion which is apparently untouchable isn't it. :(
james.miller said:
// no matter what happens, somebody will be hurt by it. It's a catch 22 in the case of non smokers. Either put up with public smoking, or realise than the 8bn in revenue that's generated from sigs has to come from somewhere else.

There is a problem with that argument though as has been exposed before.

First, not everyone will give up so it won't be 8bn to find.

Secondly, what will people do with the money they don't spend on cigarettes??

Save it you think?

No. They will spend it on other taxable items and it may even have a beneficial effect on the economy......let alone our health!
I'm quite dissapointed with this (and I'm a non-smoker). It should be up to the individual liscencee or chain of pubs to determin whether or not their particular pub wishes to ban smoking or otherwise in my opinion. That way people get to excercise their right to chose whether they want to smoke or not, and people who don't smoke can choose whether they wish to go to a smoking or non-smoking pub.

Another case of the government intervening in something and deciding centrally something that should be left up to the people to decide.
AcidHell2 said:
why not if its a sound business idea you can get the money. Enough people on here seem to be up for drinking in a smoke free pub..

yes, because i could get all the funds and knowlege (and time) to open and manage my own pub :rolleyes:

james.miller said:
well that's true. Id imagine that between bans at work and bans in public there isn't much time left to smoke lol

people still smoke at work, but they get 'smoking breaks'. and people will still smoke at the pub, just congregate in groups outside i imagine.

I'm glad to see smoking becoming anti-social, would like to see it go the way of drink-driving tbh.
Bennah said:
Does it mean that you can smoke going down the street though? Public buildings and stuff are banned?

From this link

Where will smoking be banned?

Smoking in all public places like pubs, cinemas, offices, factories, public transport and so on will be banned.

Where will you be able to smoke?

People will still be able to smoke outdoors, and in private homes, plus places that Ms Hewitt says are "like homes", such as care institutions, army barracks, and prisons.

Also taken from this article

Earlier, health minister Caroline Flint said fines for failing to stop people smoking in restricted areas would go up by more than ten times from £200 to £2,500.

I can't see this saving many lives or having a huge impact on general health, but it means no more nights returning stinking of smoke any more. Since smokers around me are so inconsiderate, why should I give a damn if they're inconvinienced now?
tb2000 said:
People will just smoke more at home to compensate I should reckon. :)

seeing as its an addiction and they need a steady flow though the day, they can't just smoke at home. I would imagine a lot of peoplw will try to quit if its banned in the workplace and in public...

Yay, love the way society all wants to live for ever. Yet we can't afford pensions and when you'r old you can't walk or your brain gives out because youbody should have died long ago. Yep I see the fun in living for ever and not enjoying life (what ever that is for the individual)
PeterNem said:
I'm quite dissapointed with this (and I'm a non-smoker). It should be up to the individual liscencee or chain of pubs to determin whether or not their particular pub wishes to ban smoking or otherwise in my opinion. That way people get to excercise their right to chose whether they want to smoke or not, and people who don't smoke can choose whether they wish to go to a smoking or non-smoking pub.

Another case of the government intervening in something and deciding centrally something that should be left up to the people to decide.

Pubs have been able to make that choice since the very begining of time but very very few have. This change in the law will probably lead to less profits for pubs but I'm sure in the long run it will balance out again as people who don't often go out will probably be happier to go for a drink or two.
PeterNem said:
Another case of the government intervening in something and deciding centrally something that should be left up to the people to decide.

With more people giving up everyday and the majority of the population being non smokers what do you think "the people" would have decided if this had been left to a referendum?

All this arguing is pointless really.

We will soon live in a country where our children will look back on it and find it hard to believe that their parents were once forced to either stay indoors or run the risk of having serious health issues just because they wanted to socialise in a pub or club.

That is the reality of the situation.

I think we will see smoking further marginalised over the years too, by various methods, and I will welcome every one of them.

Wetherspoon pubs across the UK have been recognised for their non-smoking policy – by winning a host of awards.

At present, the company has 47 pubs which are completely non-smoking.

All new Wetherspoon pubs will be non-smoking and there are plans to convert existing pubs into non-smoking outlets during 2006 and beyond.

I'm sure with big chains such as Wetherspoons making a success of it recently, more would soon chose to follow.
AcidHell2 said:
seeing as its an addiction and they need a steady flow though the day, they can't just smoke at home. I would imagine a lot of peoplw will try to quit if its banned in the workplace and in public...

Yay, love the way society all wants to live for ever. Yet we can't afford pensions and when you'r old you can't walk or your brain gives out because youbody should have died long ago. Yep I see the fun in living for ever and not enjoying life (what ever that is for the individual)
I know someone who is a heavy smoker, and she works at a place which doesn't allow smoking inside the building, so she has a cigerette at her breaks, most people do get breaks for this and other reasons. She smokes in the morning, evening, she even get's up in the middle of the night to have one! If you're a smoker, no amount of banning in public or (if you're a heavy enough smoker), no amount of telling you it's going to finish you off will stop you. I'm not a smoker myself, i'm the only one in my family who isn't (and they've all now quit), but i've seen enough people around me pass away due to smoking. I knew of a man years ago who was told he'd lose his legs if he didn't stop smoking. He carried on regardless, and got to the point of having to have his legs amputated, but unfortunately he died of other smoking related illnesses before he even had the operation.

I don't want to live for ever, but I don't think it's too much to ask to want to live a life with a body that's not got knackered lungs from smoke inhalation. I've got as much right to go to the pub or whatever as anyone else and I shouldn't have to inhale smoke for the pleasure of it.
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