VR Stuff advice.

I bought the Rift S! Pick it up today so with a bit of luck we are golden :) I shall let you know how I get on!
Question is what games do I buy now? Only bought it for Half Life but I should probably test it out this evening. Also what games can I get the wife to play - I don't want to film her falling on her ass but it would be funny.
You see this is a good start :) I'm remoted into my home machine and queuing up the fun! I'm sure the Mrs is going to rip me a new one... I've been slowly planting the seed over the last few weeks and a few days ago she was like - Right how much is it going to cost to shut you up and play this game. When I told her the likely cost is about £800 (if you include the finger tracking and index base stations etc, assuming the rift gets support), she looked at me like I was a total mentalist.
When I told her the likely cost is about £800 (if you include the finger tracking and index base stations etc, assuming the rift gets support), she looked at me like I was a total mentalist.

You can do about 70% of what the index controllers can do with the Oculus Touch controllers. The big differences are five finger tracking (Oculus can track the thumb and index fingers depending on what buttons they are near, and the other three as a single 'grip' group.), Squeeze grip detection (Touch has an easy to press analog button for this.), and the handstrap. (You can get add-on hand staps for Touch). It's unlikely that HL:Alyx will be much less playable or interactive as a result on Touch, though the experience may be slightly better on the Index controllers.
Question is what games do I buy now?
Asgard's Wrath
Vader Immortal
Arizona Sunshine

Worth mentioning that the Rift S and Quest have rather average built-in audio. You can of course use separate headphones which is a bit of a juggling exercise, or otherwise there are third-party mods which use proper drivers.
Question is what games do I buy now? Only bought it for Half Life but I should probably test it out this evening. Also what games can I get the wife to play - I don't want to film her falling on her ass but it would be funny.

There have been some great suggestions already, but Superhot VR is worth getting.

Also there are some great experiences out there to get you started you should get the Blu.

Don't forget there are some amazing free games and experiences too. You definitely have to try these out.

Google Earth VR.
Rec Room.
The Lab(on Steam)
So many games. Thanks lads. Mrs is out all night tomorrow so I shall need some stuff to keep me entertained.
Ahh my bad I was talking Radeon 7 not Win7 who uses win 7 these days? Mentalists!
Wow, I totally misread that lol! :)
Question is what games do I buy now? Only bought it for Half Life but I should probably test it out this evening. Also what games can I get the wife to play - I don't want to film her falling on her ass but it would be funny.
Aircar demo: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1204731822978255 Beat Saber is excellent as recommended, you should check your existing library for VR stuff too, no idea what sort of games you are into but get Project Cars 2 up and running in VR, Things like Elite Dangerous, IL2 Sturmovik GB, DCS world and plenty more all have native VR support and really do change the experience massively.
Wow, I totally misread that lol! :)

Aircar demo: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1204731822978255 Beat Saber is excellent as recommended, you should check your existing library for VR stuff too, no idea what sort of games you are into but get Project Cars 2 up and running in VR, Things like Elite Dangerous, IL2 Sturmovik GB, DCS world and plenty more all have native VR support and really do change the experience massively.

Too many 7's you see. I'm swinging into the shop on the way home to pick up my toy so will keep you all updated on my quest to become VR proficient. I have like 200 games or more in my library so there must be a few that support it.
Wow, I totally misread that lol! :)

Aircar demo: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1204731822978255 Beat Saber is excellent as recommended, you should check your existing library for VR stuff too, no idea what sort of games you are into but get Project Cars 2 up and running in VR, Things like Elite Dangerous, IL2 Sturmovik GB, DCS world and plenty more all have native VR support and really do change the experience massively.

does AirCar work on the Quest too ?
Tempted by a Rift as well, might get my son one for christmas. :p

Is a 1070Ti/Ryzen 2600 combo powerful enough?

I'm guessing you will be fine. Gaming wise that's broadly similar to my rig isn't in? I'm guessing you are good to go! (one thing of note, I have literally no clue what im chatting about :))
1070ti is powerful enough and I think the Ryzen 2600 is plenty good enough also.
I was using an AMD R9 Fury and i7 2600k until fairly recently.
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