Wall mounting and projector advice

Are you sure you've measured that mock up screen to 92" diagonal? The mock up looks a lot bigger than an actual 92" diag screen.

Here's the full size specifications directly from optoma. The answer you're looking for is 300mm for the top black border

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Are you sure you've measured that mock up screen to 92" diagonal? The mock up looks a lot bigger than an actual 92" diag screen.

Here's the full size specifications directly from optoma. The answer you're looking for is 300mm for the top black border


Thanks for ze info!

Well I wasn't sure on the dimensions so I googled "90 inch projection screen dimensions" and it gave me what I put there. When I've actually decided on a screen then yes I'll remock it but it's still up in the air :)

If you can stretch on the budget, then THIS screen, you definitely wouldn't be disappointed. I would have it myself if i had the funds :(

That would be awesome, but its motorised!
On a second note, I have infact just remeasured and found I needed to take about a foot and a half off the side, roughly :p
HD30 Being ordered this weekend, anything to look out for on a ceiling mount or are they all much the same?

Sorry for the dumb sounding question, but when spending this much time and effort it pays to do research :)

HD30 and that ceiling mount are on the way to me :) - will be fitting them Sunday so I can measure for a screen :)
Good news bud. You'll love it. Absolutely love it. Even on a magnolia wall its pretty decent. You must get a decent surround setup though. It adds to the awesomeness.
Good news bud. You'll love it. Absolutely love it. Even on a magnolia wall its pretty decent. You must get a decent surround setup though. It adds to the awesomeness.

Haha I already have a decent setup which I'm upgrading anyway :D

Got my new centre through yesterday, it's HUGE :D

Will bolt it up this weekend and then measure for a screen, expect pics :)
Wicked. Center is the most important speaker in a setup. Its' the one you'll be hearing 100% of the time, so it needs to be good. The bigger the better.

Regarding the PJ. I will say one thing and that is, make sure the PJ lens is dead center (vertically) of the screen, and don't tilt it to much otherwise you'll get a trapezoid picture. Use zero digital keystone, and don't use to much sharpness in the menu, otherwise it adds artefacts in the picture that shouldn't be there.Best bet is to find the owners thread on AVF and use some of the calibrations settings posted in there. You'll likely find that you'll be happy as can be with the 'out the box' picture though, but it's something to fiddle with once you feel the itch to tweak etc.
My setup atm...

Pioneer VSX921
Acoustic Energy Aegis Evo 1 floor standers - to be upgraded to AE Radiance 3's
Acoustic Energy Radiance 7 Centre
Acoustic Energy Aegis Evo 3 bookshelf rears
Sub - Soon to be ordering a BK XLS400 - current one is a donor.

Thanks for that :) - what ill be focusing on once its bolted up is making sure stuff like the throw, zoom etc are all correct. I don't want to be losing any image and I want it as sharp as possible and then I will look into getting a screen :)
Well I didn't expect this to arrive today! :eek:


Quickly fired it up to ensure it worked and ran a film through it from the laptop.


90" projected image, gorgeous picture. Now I need to get it fitted and find a screen! :D - That's a 50" Plasma for scale. :cool:
Ok so I've hit a bit of a snag...

After spending 2 hours measuring, checking, marking, remeasuring and measuring again I was ready to fit the projector.

So I lined it up, drilled into the ceiling...straight through plasterboard.

Balls! That won't hold the weight of the projector (and definitely not the screen) but I anticipated this and bought some wood to screw into to place above the plasterboard.

I climbed up into the attic and the section where I need to get to is completely boarded over with no way of accessing it unless I cut a hole in the boards.


So I put my thinking cap on and have decided. Ikea sell a floating white shelf which is pretty much a perfect size for the HD30. So I can mount that to the wall at ceiling height and then the projector to that.

Then I got thinking about the screen...I've had a brainwave.

I checked the holes I've drilled into the ceiling so far originally for the projector, and have found that the floorboards in the attic are about 4 inches or so from the plaster board. So I've thought of a solution like this.

Ignore the crudeness...


Brown are the floorboards in the attic, blue is my ceiling, grey is the projector screen.

Now I've thought of getting a long drill piece, and drilling into the floor board from bottom and then buying some long bolts (the black bits) to hold the projector and bolt into the floorboards above, therefore the floorboards taking all the weight.

Can anyone see a problem with doing this?
The projector is up! :D

Fitted it last night! Will be running cables properly tonight, had a measure up, I should be able to get away with a Sapphire screen with a 50cm top border. It'll be 1-2inches off being ideal but a custom one to make it ideal is a good £500 more. Not worth it for the gain :)
I think your idea of drilling a long hole is a good one, but you would have to be super precise as not to go through too far and out the other side of the floorboard. I don't think you'll find a drill bit that skinny yet that long unless it's a masonary drill bit. I think you would be easier off using some spring toggle bolts for your screen. Much stronger than those screw in plasterboard rawl plugs.

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Hey mate,

Ah cool I hadn't considered those. I shall look them up. Thank you :)

I ordered the screen today :D - arriving Monday....might have gone for an electric one...oops

EDIT: Do you think the toggle bolts would be sufficient to hold the screen onto the plasterboard? or would I still need to go up to the floorboards?

I just can't see the plasterboard holding up 12kg of screen with just 2 bolts :/
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Its not the bolts that will fail, but more likely the actual plasterboard due to the concentration of weight focused on a small area. I personally would give it a shot being as it's an electric screen which means it won't be under any more pulling force compared to a manual pull down screen, but using more than 2 bolts if you can, but if you're in doubt then don't do it. Depending on which direction the beams are running (ideally parallel to the screen body), could you not cut a small square hole in the ceiling and stick a length of wood on the blind side of the plasterboard, then fix screws direct into the wood? When you screw the screen up tight, it will cover the hole, and you could essentially hide the power cables to and from the screen at the same time.
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Its not the bolts that will fail, but more likely the actual plasterboard due to the concentration of weight focused on a small area. I personally would give it a shot being as it's an electric screen which means it won't be under any more pulling force compared to a manual pull down screen, but using more than 2 bolts if you can, but if you're in doubt then don't do it. Depending on which direction the beams are running (ideally parallel to the screen body), could you not cut a small square hole in the ceiling and stick a length of wood on the blind side of the plasterboard, then fix screws direct into the wood? When you screw the screen up tight, it will cover the hole, and you could essentially hide the power cables to and from the screen at the same time.


Hmm I do wonder how many brackets the screen will have, I wonder if it will be 2, 3 or 4? Hmmm. Some research needed me thinks.

Either way my Dad is coming over (he owns the place anyway so it's in his best interest to make sure an enormous great big wopping hole doesn't appear in his ceiling :D) to help put it up, I told him about the toggle bolts last night and he thinks providing there are more than 2 to spread the weight it should be ok! but either way he's confident we'll figure out a way of putting it up :)

He's also very pleased I didn't go for a ceiling recessed one :o

Screen arrives monday :)
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