My pc just won't boot up anymore at 2133 or above speeds no matter what settings I try. Loaded default bios then upped the dram volts to 1.6, increased imc+vtt to almost double, put timings on auto and CR to 2t and nothing, just shuts off before it hits bios..

Got it at 2000Mhz 9-9-9-21 1T 1.45v atm. Is this any good? Best I can do atm while getting it to boot.
What IMC are you using??? for DDR2133 1.05 volts should be enough.

Samsung slope up then flat!!!!! not flat as your setting!!! I said this prev so 9-10-10 or 8-9-9 or 7-9-9 see the pettern. Also back of TRAS to 28 first then tune down. Get your Cas at the lowest first.

Its not a new GPU cooler that could effect RAM. Did you change bios version or any other setting.
for interest I've found a nice compromise of volts vs performance

2133 - 9-10-10-22-1T

@ 1.525V

Agreed with tight subs (Although wont they do Tras 21 ;)) and 9-11-11 1T at 2400mhz 1.6v .

Always try slope up and flat others have seen this too!!!
What IMC are you using??? for DDR2133 1.05 volts should be enough.

Samsung slope up then flat!!!!! not flat as your setting!!! I said this prev so 9-10-10 or 8-9-9 or 7-9-9 see the pettern. Also back of TRAS to 28 first then tune down. Get your Cas at the lowest first.

Its not a new GPU cooler that could effect RAM. Did you change bios version or any other setting.

0.715 IMC. Well I put my timings to 8-9-9-21 and it wouldn't boot, but changed it to 9-9-9-21 1T and it boots for 2000Mhz.

For 2133Mhz it won't load not even on 11-11-11-28 with high volts on dram/imc/vtt. But it did these settings before i put the gpu cooler on. I think I touched or knocked the massive ram onto the memory modules and could static have interfered with them?
Cas is the most important settings as far as latency for RAM goes so 8-10-10 is faster than 9-9-9 for example. keeping cas low is most important at 1T command rate.
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mine needed a bit more of a bump in volts than I thought - went up to 1.53 instead of 1.525

I get weird "glitches" - randomly with my Gene V if RAM overclock not quite stable

like after 6 hours the network adapter may drop out - stuff like that
Error 23 means the CPU IMC cant reach the frequency.

If thats the case thats the worsed IMC on IVY ever.

When your clocking RAM to get it stable you dont run a CPU clock when testing CPU should be default.

Reset Bios, Load medium Samsung profile from the memory profile section. Set main timings 9-11-11-25 1T, VCCIO 1.05 VCCSA 1.1, VTTDDR 0.775 and DRAM voltage 1.65v. at 2200mhz and 2400mhz this should be fine.

8 Pack after a bit more advice. I'm trying out a 3770k at the moment and with the above settings I can boot at 2200 fine, 2400 either gives me error 55 or puts me into a boot loop where I have to reset bios.

Is there anything I can change to try 2400 again and if that doesn't work, is it a case of running 2200 and just lowering the timings until I hit the lowest? I know you mention they need to ramp up so 9-11-11 and 8-9-9 etc.

The chip itself seems to be a good one and I know it all depends on the IMC however I really want to get the best out of this kit, whether it's high clocks or low clocks.
8 Pack after a bit more advice. I'm trying out a 3770k at the moment and with the above settings I can boot at 2200 fine, 2400 either gives me error 55 or puts me into a boot loop where I have to reset bios.

Is there anything I can change to try 2400 again and if that doesn't work, is it a case of running 2200 and just lowering the timings until I hit the lowest? I know you mention they need to ramp up so 9-11-11 and 8-9-9 etc.

The chip itself seems to be a good one and I know it all depends on the IMC however I really want to get the best out of this kit, whether it's high clocks or low clocks.

No its not just about lower timings you need to know which to lower.

Default Bios first.

55 means the IMC can reach the frequency but the RAM needs tuning. 2400 set Samsung medium profile . Set main timing 9-11-11-25 1T set two last timings in the seconds from auto to 6 and 8 respectively all other seconds will be filled in by setting the profile. Disable IMC warm boot fast.

1.65v Dram, 1.10 VCCIO, 1.10 VCCSA, VTT DDR 1.775, PLL 1.7

Give it a go.

If 55 try Cas 10.
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No its not just about lower timings you need to know which to lower.

Default Bios first.

55 means the IMC can reach the frequency but the RAM needs tuning. 2400 set Samsung medium profile . Set main timing 9-11-11-25 1T set two last timings in the seconds from auto to 6 and 8 respectively all other seconds will be filled in by setting the profile. Disable IMC warm boot fast.

1.65v Dram, 1.10 VCCIO, 1.10 VCCSA, VTT DDR 1.775, PLL 1.7

Give it a go.

If 55 try Cas 10.

Error 55, VTTDDR at 0.775 yeah as max is 1.00. Also thats with CAS at 10
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8 pack - quick one whilst I'mon this thread please - I've jsut been trying for 2400 CAS10 -I got no boot, then after power on /off press F1 to go to bios as overclocked failed

all normal

but then went into bios and all my saved profiles had gone !! - had completely reset the bios- any ideas please? bug or did I accidently do some strange keypress on boot - just so I know what to avoid in the future ... this is on the new 1309 btw I've never had it before
Bios bug mate sadly.

I have had 2800+ mhz Trident X tuned profiles lost that took literally hours.

They know about it and it will be fixed.
Error 55, VTTDDR at 0.775 yeah as max is 1.00. Also thats with CAS at 10

Still needs tuning your timings. Its strange because every single set I have tunes work with these settings and I am not doing anything different to you guys. IMC vary so much though.

Default bios.

Primary's 10-11-11-28 2T Maximus Tweak mode1 Latency boundary 14 and try boot. Leave other settings on auto and voltages as I said before.
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