Want a new hobby!

I don't go out much but when i do i find it helps break up the same old routine of staying in and playing pc games and chilling out watching stuff. Just go out to a museum or join a walking club or something, main point being leave the house.

Yea i know what you mean! We certainly do go out a fair bit, just after something to fill in the remaining gaps :D
I was actually thinking golf the other day! Funnily enough im sat on a balcony over looking the 10th hole of a course in spain as i type (mum and step dads place, hes a golfer) so would make the trips out here more worth while!

Give it a go it can be very frustrating to start off with, I recommend a few lessons to make sure you have right technique or get you father to help you.
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Juggling? None strenuous but will get you gradually fit, flexible and more co-ordinated. Plus its free (well, the price of 2 socks and some tennis balls or bags of rice if you want cheaper) Plus its pretty cool when when can spin fire for family events and parties

I wish I had your problem, I already don't really have the time for cycling and gym as much as I would like, as well as photography and playing around with raspberry pi/arduino/programming etc. Want to build a quadcopter at some point and would love to get a motorbike. That's just the realistic things, would also like to get my PPL but that's not likely to happen.

I need to win the lottery so I can afford all of this and then stop working so I've got the time too.
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