Want to appeal a Yellow Box PCN

It's a still picture how can you tell the car isn't moving? What super powers are you using?

Definitely worth contesting - it's a pathetic attempt at extortion.

The exit should be clear enough for your whole car to be able to exit before you enter. It clearly isn't.

It's completely petty but I don't really think this is the avenue to try and wriggle out of it with.
Whilst whether you stopped or not may generally be irrelevant as to whether or not an offence was committed, in this case I'd say it's highly relevant as the contravention code on the PCN states "Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited". ie they are specifically claiming that the car stopped. If they can't prove that it did then you could probably still get it thrown out.
Yes in the still frame. The car could be moving out of the way. It is not a smoking gun piece of evidence.
It's irrelevant, the car had to be out of the way before he entered the box. It clearly isn't, he won't get far appealing on that basis.

The only chance I see is if you could argue they've effectively stuffed themselves by mentioning stopping even though stopping wasn't necessary to commit the offence and they're also incompetent enough to have binned the video on top of that. I wouldn't hold my breath though.
Speculation on all of our parts is not going to get us anywhere.

It is impossible to tell from that still.

Ultimately, it's a worthwhile case to take with the council cretins. I've done it before and have yet to pay a PCN that has not been fairly issued. I have paid 2 that have been completely fair where I ****** up. The other half a dozen where not.

There's no point in rolling over if there's a case for reversal. Well to me at least, I'm just not wired that way.
Yes in the still frame. The car could be moving out of the way. It is not a smoking gun piece of evidence.

The same car is visibly blocking the exit in 2 stills 7 seconds apart. I find it hard to imagine that same car somehow wasnt there when the focus entered the box.

But between both images, both cars are moving. To me these 2 images show 2 cars moving across a junction, not stopped.

The same car moved half a car length in 7 seconds... that doesnt sound like flowing traffic, it sounds like something is blocking the exit.
It is impossible to tell from that still.
It's easily possible to see from that still that the exit wasn't clear :p

"You may enter a yellow box junction when your exit is clear and there is enough space on the other side of the junction for your vehicle to clear the box completely without stopping."
It's easily possible to see from that still that the exit wasn't clear :p

"You may enter a yellow box junction when your exit is clear and there is enough space on the other side of the junction for your vehicle to clear the box completely without stopping."

This. Suck it up and pay the fine.

Bet your old man won't make that mistake again...
Yea always contest it when they want that kind of money, which is ridiculous. It costs THEM money to fight it and if there is any doubt at all (like there is here), they will just cancel it rather than invest the time.
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I still didn't get the video but managed to see more pics on the council website and he was stopped at the end of the box for at least 9 seconds. He was expecting traffic to move as the cars further ahead were moving, it didn't and he got caught. Bang to rights really, bit pathetic but there you go.
TBH If it was me I'd probably have hoped in to the other lane and then just cut back in behind the other car once it got moving again :)
It's a still picture how can you tell the car isn't moving? What super powers are you using?

Definitely worth contesting - it's a pathetic attempt at extortion.

Because the law doesn't care if the car is moving, a common mistake. The exit isn't clear and the following car has clearly entered the box. My superpower is knowing the actual law.
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