War Thunder - Free PS4 WW2 Fighter Jet Game - Tips, Tricks, etc

21 Jun 2006
Yeah my understanding from keeping an eye out during playing is the red bar (victory points) depletes when ground units are destroyed, bases are destroyed and enemy planes are destroyed. Destroying planes has the least impact on it, destroying airbase has the biggest, followed by the mini bases then the ground units have a decent impact.

Nb not all ground units seem to count, only the ones which are included in the tally at the bottom left. Seems to normally be things like fixed AA/pillboxes don't seem to reduce the tally at all at the bottom left when destroyed.

trust me pillboxes definitely count on one map.

i'm talking about the map where there is a small island off the coast of the enemies main airstrip and it has 10 pillboxes on it, all those pillboxes count as ground targets, yet the AA on the enemy base don't and pillboxes on other maps don't count.

so easy to get them too, all 10 are pretty much in a line.
7 Jan 2003
a combination of pilots good with Bombers and others as wingmen and others taking out the smaller stuff seems the ideal combination of a squad.I know I'm useless bombing and a bit better than useless as the other 2 :)
21 Jun 2006
I played a map and I kept my wellington at 18,000 feet and destroyed 2 mini bases and not once did anyone even attempt to come for me.

If your in a decent bomber all you need to do is stay up high, above 15,000 feet and fighters won't be able to climb that high to get to you.

I then use the 3rd person view to get a long run up to the base then switch to bombing view, where the lines and the circle are when I am close to base and get ready to drop the payload.

I have gotten quite good at bombing but I think i'm a much better fighter. That Beaufighter with the 20mm cannon is ridiculous, if planes don't bother turning much or doing crazy movements they are pretty much dead as soon as I hit the trigger.

I killed like 5 planes in the space of 30 seconds once with it, it's just ridiculous how strong the guns are on it. It's turning is poo though to make up for overpowered guns. So if you come up against one, just turn like crazy and don't fight it head on get behind it.

If the wellington had 20mm cannons for the gunners to use it would be invincible.
21 Jun 2006
Membership from randoms is starting to rack up, we are in the top 15 now.

If you want to join the squadron please post on here so I know who to accept. I don't recognise any of the names, I accepted those I recognised
19 Oct 2002
I did add that to the squad description, like I said I think the fact we're clearly marked as a uk squadron will attract folk. Anyone going to be on about 10?
7 Jan 2003
Gg tonight lads, good laugh with squad of 4 although get your mic working Gemini. The one you get in the box is ok and works.

Lol yes good to fly with you guys,you were all great,I can only improve is my prayer.
I did plug the ps4 mic in but for some reason you couldn't hear me,is there a on and off switch on it.?
Oh and every time we came out the game to the hangar I readied up and it told me I was as the tab said unready but it didn't show for you for some reason. Had to leave and wait for your invite.i think I saw a post on the official forums about others having a similar problem.ill see if I can find it but agreed its a pain trying to send messages when you guys are waiting,
Anyway despite all that great fun and thanks for putting up with me.see you tonight lol.:D
Oh meant to say the ruddy ear piece kept falling out my ear,maybe I'll blue tack it to my ear till Xmas when I get a decent headset from Santa.
Last edited:
19 Oct 2002
Servers down this morning for update to 1.37

Patch notes
The long-awaited 1.37 will bring many significant changes to the game. This includes:
Progression system rework. The number of ranks will be changed to 5 and they will be based on actual periods in aviation development. In order to get access to the new aircraft a player will have to research the previous one in the branch. More details in our latest Developers’ Diaries issue.
Addition of multiple new aircraft. Among them are the Soviet I-185 fighter and the heavily armed La-9; the German Bf 109 F-1 and F-2 fighters, and the Hs.129B-3 attacker equipped with an enormous 75mm cannon; the British Tempest Mk V ser. 2 with two Vickers P 47mm cannons; the Japanese Ki-84 series of fighters and many other enjoyable planes.
‘Custom battles are now hosted on our servers instead of the client’s computer. This will secure comfortable and stable connection for online tournament organizers, squadron fighters and those who just want to sharpen their skills with friends.
Mission Editor is now a part of the Test Flight mode. Now you can try your newly acquired aircraft in a fully customizable environment: choose the battle scenario, weather, number and skill level of your enemies.
Significant changes to the Dynamic Campaign mode.
8 new maps for different game types.
Flight and damage models of many aircraft brought in line with the historical data.
New render with DX11 support. Detail level improved on all settings, up to 25% performance increase for some video cards.

New Aircraft
- Bf.109F-1
- Bf.109F-2
- Fw.190A-8
- Fw.190D-9
- Hs.129B-3

- Yak-9U
- Yak-9UT
- MiG-3-15(BK)
- I-185 (M-82)
- La-9
- Fw.190D-9 (premium)

- P-400
- F9F-2

- Hawker Tempest Mk V
- Hawker Tempest Mk II

-A7He1 (premium)
- A6M3 mod22 Ko
- A6M5 otsu
- Ki-84 hei
- Ki-84 otsu
- Ki-84 ko
- B7A2

New player progress system (more details in the last issue of Developers’ Diary).
‘Custom battles’ are now hosted on game servers instead of players’ computers.
‘Custom battles’ now allow up to 32 people to participate.
‘Dynamic campaign’ now allows a choice of the historical period in the campaign.
‘Dynamic campaign’ planes are now chosen automatically . The player may use aircraft that he has not yet purchased.
Co-operative temporarily removed from the Mission editor and Dynamic campaign mode. It will be reintroduced later with extended functionality.
Ground targets visibility distance in Simulator battles (former Full Real battles) reduced by 1 km.

Game Types names changed. History Battles renamed to Realistic Battles. Full-Real Battles to Simulator Battles.
Custom Battles settings may now be changed without leaving the session.
Research and Modification menus have been reworked.
Mission editor moved to the Test flight window.
Mission editor is only available for the planes with crews.
Interface colours changed.
Player profile menu relocated.
Modifications, Crew, Customization and Test Flight buttons have been moved to the bottom and left. They are now located above the crew slots.
More than 1000 text descriptions corrected

Graphics and models:
New DX11 supporting render introduced.
All location graphics reworked.
Visual models and cockpits corrected for several aircraft.
I-16 type and I-16 type 28 visual fully reworked.

Damage models:
XP-55 damage model adjusted.
Wellington (all models) - fuselage durability changed.
D.520 and D.521damage models adjusted.
IL-2, IL-2M, IL-10 wing frame damage models adjusted

Flight models:

Full flight models state report will be posted Soon™

Flight models settings meet the historical data entirely:
A6M3, A6M3 mod.22, A6M3 mod.22Kо, A-20G-30, A-26C, A-26C-45-DT, B-25J-1, B-25J-20 B-25J-30 (USSR), Havoc Mk I (Britain), P-47d-25, P-47d-28, I-16 type 18,I-16 type 28, P-400, P-39Q-15, Typhoon Mk.Ia, I-15bis, I-15 WR, I-15 М-22, I-15 K, I-185 (М-82), Yak-3, Yak-3P, Typhoon Mk.1b/L, B7A2

Flight models settings closely meet the historical data:
P-36A, Rasmussen’s P-36A, P-36С, P-36G

Flight models preliminary corrections:
B-17E, B-17E/L, B-17G, B-24D

New armament and modifications:


M10 mounts added for P-39 (N/Q), P-51D, P-47D, A-20G aircraft
HVAR rockets added for F-86 (all modifications)
B-17 bomb bay size corrected (6x1000 lbs instead of 8x1000 lbs)
Increased the number of bomb presets for P-63A-10
USA bombs weight is now calculated correctly


Hawker Tempest Mk V - 250 lbs underwing mounted bombs added
Hawker Tempest Mk II - 2x250 lbs and 2x 500 lbs underwing mounted bombs added
Wellington (all models) - number of bomb presets increased
Wellington (all models) - fuselage damage model fixed
Lancaster - number of bomb presets increased
Beaufighter mk.X - 12.7mm M2 Browning machine guns replaced with 7.7mm Browning machine guns
Britain bombs weight is now calculated correctly


2 x torpedoes added for He.111H-6
BK 37 cannons added for HS.129B-2
500 kg bombs removed from Bf 109 G series
Number of SM. 79 planes available for purchase reduced to 4. S. 79 1937 and S. 79 1941 are no longer available.
U4 modification of Me.410 now also has 2x20mm cannons
BK 5 ammunition increased by 1 round (the one that is already loaded)
Bf.109G-6 now has a 20 mm cannon as default. 30 mm cannon needs to be researched


The new Yak-9UT now has unlockable 37 and 45mm cannons
The new I-185 (M-82) now has underwing mounted rockets and bombs
La-5 ‘Rear Armoured Glass’ modification has been removed
IL-2, IL-2M and IL-10 wing frame durability adjusted
ShKAS ammunition changed to 1500 bullets (down from 3000)
Number of SB-2 planes available for research reduced to 4. Number of SB-2 planes available for purchase reduced to 4. SB-2M-103 MV-3, SB-2M-103U are no longer available.
Number of Yer-2 planes available for research reduced to 4. Number of Yer-2 planes available for purchase reduced to 4. Yer-2 M-105 TAT, Yer-2 M-105R TAT are no longer available.
I-16 type 18 and type 28 visual models improved


All A6M planes now can mount 2x60kg bombs
Ki-84 planes now can mount 2x50 kg and 2x250 kg bombs
Ki-61 otsu and Ki-61 hei now can mount 2x50 kg and 2x250 kg bombs
N1K2-J - now can mount 2x250 kg bombs
Japan bombs weight is now calculated correctly
Ki-96 and Ki-102 Ho-5 cannons’ ammunition increased from 200 to 400

Missions and maps:
New maps:
[Operation] Defending Stalingrad
[Operation] Saipan
[Ground Strike] Foggy Albion
[Ground Strike] Iron Range
[Ground Strike] Desert Coast
[Domination] Sicily

Added Bombing areas for all [Ground Strike] missions. Destroying such areas reduces victory points for the enemy team by 10%.
[Operation] Kuban, [Operation] Ruhr, [Operation] Ardennes, [Operation] Berlin changed to increase the impact of ground attack actions, namely:
Reduced the number of heavy ground units that influence the victory points.
Bombing areas added.
Completing mission objectives reduces victory points for the enemy team by 10%.
Ground forces routes adjusted for better balance.
Bombers and attack aircraft now start the battle closer to the enemy ground targets, giving them a chance for at least one effective strike.
Single missions:
Korean War Theatre added. It includes 3 new missions: “Storm Warning”, “Blind Hunt” and “Dangerous Reconnaissance”.
21 Jun 2006
Has everyone added each other?


Anyone I missed in OP?

Ideally it's best to apply for the Squadron and add each other so we can team up and party chat, etc.

Working as a team is hard and we try and help each other when and if we can but generally attacking certain targets together or protecting them I feel is working better than playing on your own or trying to fly in formation (leads to crashes).
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