War Thunder - Free PS4 WW2 Fighter Jet Game - Tips, Tricks, etc

21 Jun 2006
I turned auto repair off last night it's at the bottom right of main screen and basically any planes destroyed in a battle take time to repair for free or you can pay for them to be repaired anytime. The cost to repair decreases with time and some planes repair a lot faster than others.

The reason why is because now I have reached tier 4 planes they are getting expensive to repair. Plus the cost of training crews has also gone up a lot.

The time taken to repair is also effected by the crews repair speed.

I think they repair in real time rather than game time. I have 6 crews anyway so I can wait for some planes to repair and repair the cheapest instantly if need be.

Before I had like 350k lions and they were constantly going up. Now I'm on like 280k
26 Dec 2003
Cambs UK
Probably a stupid question but the hangar is not too intuitive...

How do I spend my research points that I earned in battles? I tried to speed up research on weapons and planes but it only lets me spend eagles on that.
21 Jul 2005
Loving this game just got me a wellington !!! First impressions slow !!! and climbs like poop !! But 10 bombs ready to release.

my PSN is ratmanuk
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21 Jun 2006
I accepted a few squadron invites but there are two pending and I have no idea who they are so not accepting them until you fess up.


Anyone know who they are or just randoms trying to join?
19 Oct 2002
I'd hazard a guess it's just randoms seeing it's a UK squadron and randomly applying.

We'll keep it to folk that are on forum for now, I'll add a link to the description. Don't mind if folk join the forum then join the squadron.
21 Jun 2006
Right finally figured out some more stuff.

People were talking about RP (Research Points) and how they seem to be stacking up and they cannot spend them researching upgrades.

That is not what they are for, they are for buying new planes. If you press triangle to look at the research tree, you will note some of the planes cost several hundred thousand RP to buy.

To progress down the research tree you need to first use the plane at the top of the tree and upgrade one of the parts (performance, survivability or weapons to the bottom).

After you have done that you can then start researching the next plane in the tree.

After you have fully researched the next plane you then have to buy it using the RP gained.

Lions, these are used to buy upgrades, train crews to fly specific planes and repair planes. At the start they will rack up but when you get planes like the Wellington they start to become costly to repair and train crews for.

I recently got the Spitfire Mk 2 and it is also expensive to train a crew for but not so expensive to repair.

As you progress down the tree to better planes I imagine there will be a point they start to basically completely run out.

I went from having well over 300K lions to just above 200K on Saturday. So i managed to spend about 200K in 1 day as I also received lions for playing battles.

The better you do in a battle the more RP and Lions you receive.

Eagles you need to pay for and are best spent on accelerated training for crews.

I got £12 of eagles the other day and spent it all on accelerated training and adding another 2 crews to the 5 I had and I can now train my crew to expert level on planes, this is expensive but it gives me a rather large boost to certain attributes within the crew skills.

e.g. My repair speed gets +30 added to whatever I have it currently at. I have found now that I have much better crews my wellington is far more effective, the gunners are all experienced and highly skilled, my reload time is like 30-40 seconds for 10 bombs.

High Vitality as well means gunners stay working away for longer. I have actually managed to destroy a few planes regularly now letting the gunners shoot at whoever comes near me.

I have also found the bombers are precious and the key to victory. I was on my last bomber and had to take out 10 enemy pillboxes I managed 8 before being shot down. After that the enemy got back into the fight and nearly won. All I had to do was destroy 2 more pillboxes and we would have won 10 minutes earlier.

In domination however it's fighters that are the key to victory, take down any enemy planes near your runways, however if there is an enemy tank on a runway it must be destroyed before you can capture it, therefore bombers are precious also and you should wait before using them to see if/when they are needed however most of the time they aren't needed to win, runways are far more important.
21 Jun 2006
I sent a request yesterday:)

Yeah yours was one of the few I recognised and then accepted.

I don't actually think there is any benefit to being in a squadron, hopefully Windle knows more about how it works.

To me it just looks like a leaderboard based on the combined kills/score, which means the more you have in it the higher you are in the leaderboard.

I think premium account is more worthwhile, as it lets you have unlimited amount of people in your Squad (Squad and Squadrons are different).

Squadron is basically a clan, Squad is basically Group/Party mode where we can go into the same match together.
19 Oct 2002
Yeah yours was one of the few I recognised and then accepted.

I don't actually think there is any benefit to being in a squadron, hopefully Windle knows more about how it works.

To me it just looks like a leaderboard based on the combined kills/score, which means the more you have in it the higher you are in the leaderboard.

I think premium account is more worthwhile, as it lets you have unlimited amount of people in your Squad (Squad and Squadrons are different).

Squadron is basically a clan, Squad is basically Group/Party mode where we can go into the same match together.

Premium also offers boosts to RP and Eagle rate of accumulation btw, as such i've got like 300k RP and 750k Eagles.

I believe Squadron will be of more use as the other game modes are opened up, eg there will be Squadron vs Squadron battles and tournaments etc but atm it is as you point out mostly for leaderboard only.
21 Jun 2006
i've added a few more names to the OP.

hopefully if you add each other and join the squadron we can start teaming up a lot more, playing with noobs who don't bomb targets is annoying.

destroying mini bases is pointless i have noticed, only bombing the airfield instantly wins you the game. trying to destroy an airfield though is really hard so bombing tanks and pill boxes is the best way to win, hardly anyone has figured that out though.

oh and ships, the big destroyers need to be bombed too
19 Oct 2002
Destroying the mini bases isn't pointless, it just doesn't give as big a drop in victory points as the main airbase does but cumulatively if other folk are taking out tanks/pillboxes etc then taking out a mini base or two can win you the game.

Edit: Oh and as we get more people into the squadron we should start ranking up the leaderboard. It updates the figures at midnight each day for number of planes, ground forces destroyed etc. Any game you play as a squadron member your figures count towards the Squadrons total.
21 Jun 2006
Destroying the mini bases isn't pointless, it just doesn't give as big a drop in victory points as the main airbase does but cumulatively if other folk are taking out tanks/pillboxes etc then taking out a mini base or two can win you the game.

Edit: Oh and as we get more people into the squadron we should start ranking up the leaderboard. It updates the figures at midnight each day for number of planes, ground forces destroyed etc. Any game you play as a squadron member your figures count towards the Squadrons total.

The airbase being destroyed is insta win as is destroying all their ground vehicles/targets is an insta win.

The mini bases just take off some Victory points from the opposing team.

Unsure if they actually contribute to the other team actually losing the game they are just there for easy RP and Lions I think.

That's what I gather from playing it and from what I read on the official forums.
19 Oct 2002
I've played games where our airbase has been destroyed and it hasn't been insta win? It's just a bigger hit on your victory points, therefore if a good number of ground targets have already been taken out the big hit normally puts you over on victory
21 Jun 2006
I've played games where our airbase has been destroyed and it hasn't been insta win? It's just a bigger hit on your victory points, therefore if a good number of ground targets have already been taken out the big hit normally puts you over on victory

Maybe they have changed it then from the thread I read on their forums, it was from March.

They ideally need to make it clearer what is actually required to win.

I take it you just need to deplete the enemy bar? The red bar to nothing then and this is achievable through a combo of base destroying and ground targets?
19 Oct 2002
Maybe they have changed it then from the thread I read on their forums, it was from March.

They ideally need to make it clearer what is actually required to win.

I take it you just need to deplete the enemy bar? The red bar to nothing then and this is achievable through a combo of base destroying and ground targets?

Yeah my understanding from keeping an eye out during playing is the red bar (victory points) depletes when ground units are destroyed, bases are destroyed and enemy planes are destroyed. Destroying planes has the least impact on it, destroying airbase has the biggest, followed by the mini bases then the ground units have a decent impact.

Nb not all ground units seem to count, only the ones which are included in the tally at the bottom left. Seems to normally be things like fixed AA/pillboxes don't seem to reduce the tally at all at the bottom left when destroyed.
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