Warframe... Anyone on here play?

@BUDFORCE - Think I picked up Saryn Prime for about 140 platinum about £2-3. Took a few days to farm the mats and a day or two to craft.

Like Atari above said, check out Warframe.Market website and search, for example, ' Saryn Prime Set ' - you'll get a huge list of players selling the 4 blueprints that complete the set. You click a button on the right of it which is a premade whisper and slap it into Warframe ingame chat.

The seller will send you an invite, you accept and then your transported to their dojo and you add the platinum they add the blueprints and you both go back home. Website example > Saryn Prime Set <
Drop a shout if you need to get some materials - I'm sure someone can take you around on a few runs to get the bits you need if they're not super exotic :)
Ok cool wiil do, my Rhino will be ready, tonight I think, so looking forward to that. I may buy some frames with plat, and I am certainly not averse to throwing some RL cash at this game at some point, I feel they deserve it, but I am happy to grind for the time being.

Purely on asthetics, I really like the look of the frost Prime, and Volt Prime, kinda similar but I think they both look awesome.

Also started using the Fragor, and yeah, people say it can be modded etc, imo the sooner I can master it and move on the better!

Also managed to kill Trinity Spectre (Ceres gate boss) at MR3 solo, from what I have read is a decent achievement.
Ok cool wiil do, my Rhino will be ready, tonight I think, so looking forward to that. I may buy some frames with plat, and I am certainly not averse to throwing some RL cash at this game at some point, I feel they deserve it, but I am happy to grind for the time being.

Purely on asthetics, I really like the look of the frost Prime, and Volt Prime, kinda similar but I think they both look awesome.

Also started using the Fragor, and yeah, people say it can be modded etc, imo the sooner I can master it and move on the better!

Also managed to kill Trinity Spectre (Ceres gate boss) at MR3 solo, from what I have read is a decent achievement.
Go into the market on the orbiter, and find every non-prime warframe blueprint and buy it. You can only get the frame bps off the market for credits. Once you have those, you have a nice goal of finding all the parts for them and building them. You can do the same for all weapons, archwing stuff, and sentinels.

This will keep you going for a long time before worrying about buying vaulted primes.

I would grab a 75% discount code if you ever see one on dailies. The only thing you need to buy in the short term are slots for items, unless you are happy to sell things you're finished with. I don't, I collect em all :)
Also managed to kill Trinity Spectre (Ceres gate boss) at MR3 solo, from what I have read is a decent achievement.

Was that the one that randomly went invulnerable for a short time and starts chasing you around? I remember that one being a right pain - thankfully I got Rhino not long after that so everything since has been a breeze with Iron Skin!
Was that the one that randomly went invulnerable for a short time and starts chasing you around? I remember that one being a right pain - thankfully I got Rhino not long after that so everything since has been a breeze with Iron Skin!

Nah she had a crossbow, and regened health. Took me a good few attempts as I just couldn't put enough damage in before she regened. Just about managed it using the ability 3+2 combo with mag and unloaded headshots with the Boltor.

The bosses in this game are hard, struggled with lech krill also.
I think once you've got Rhino, you'll find everything reasonably easy until later in the star chart. Iron Skin is OP for the vast majority of stuff on the star chart for sure.

That boss was tricky if you don't know the tactics - I didn't, the first run some guys just blitzed it so I went in a little over confident on the second, that's when I had to look up how to take him on haha. Died a few times on that battle.
I have a few dozen hours on this game (beginner) and there's this Prime offer going so I decided to make my first contribution. Is the double pack worth it?
I have a few dozen hours on this game (beginner) and there's this Prime offer going so I decided to make my first contribution. Is the double pack worth it?

£40 for the double pack, it's not too expensive and you get a fair whack of platinum. The weapons are not the best from what I've read. I can't comment on Nyx but Rhino is considered a top Warframe.

Personally, I'd grab a Rhino Prime Set from the 'Warframe.Market' as it's currently being sold for 100-120 plat (£2-3). Will take you about 3-5 days to get the rare mats.

I'm liking the crafting part of the game, sure it takes time but it makes the grind worth it OR splash the cash and save yourself the hassle ! :p !

** The accessory packs are junk for the price they are asking **
Would anyone be able to explain Invasion missions please? Purpose, rewards etc?

I've tried reading up on wiki but doesnt seem to make sense and when I tried one I got my ass kicked lol.
I think you have to them 3 times (there's a progress bar at the bottom of the mission screen on your ship) you then get a reward when the invasion is complete. I got mutagen mass from yesterdays one.

I messed up my 6>7 mastery mission last night and need to wait until late tonight to do it again...
Alright might give it another go later.

Also got my rhino warframe, only thing because you start on level 0 you are super squishy to start with, and kept getting killed, so had to go back and play some easier me missions.

Got it up to level 10 so is a bit better now, although, considering how much people rave, not convinced it's that much better than my mag, maybe it's the low level, I dunno....
All warframes are **** until rank 30 and potatoed.

It's my only gripe with the levelling. I've been turned off so many frames because they felt rubbish while ranking up. I only go back to them when I hear of meta builds.

Rhino is pretty much the best all round frame in the game. Iron skin is op and needs a heavy nerf.
Isn't that the point of the game though, levelling everything up lol.

There are many points to the game. I choose to grind everything and not buy it if I can avoid it.

When you're on your 4th forma for a warframe, running gimp for 29 levels is a real bore.

What they need to do is make the abilities more powerful from the start, but keep hitpoints and energy as they are. That way you're getting a good taste of the frame but still not at max potential.
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