@BUDFORCE - Think I picked up Saryn Prime for about 140 platinum about £2-3. Took a few days to farm the mats and a day or two to craft.
Like Atari above said, check out Warframe.Market website and search, for example, ' Saryn Prime Set ' - you'll get a huge list of players selling the 4 blueprints that complete the set. You click a button on the right of it which is a premade whisper and slap it into Warframe ingame chat.
The seller will send you an invite, you accept and then your transported to their dojo and you add the platinum they add the blueprints and you both go back home. Website example > Saryn Prime Set <
Like Atari above said, check out Warframe.Market website and search, for example, ' Saryn Prime Set ' - you'll get a huge list of players selling the 4 blueprints that complete the set. You click a button on the right of it which is a premade whisper and slap it into Warframe ingame chat.
The seller will send you an invite, you accept and then your transported to their dojo and you add the platinum they add the blueprints and you both go back home. Website example > Saryn Prime Set <