Warframe... Anyone on here play?

So is this good? I've just noticed it's coop PvE which is my sort of thing. As long as it's not pay to win I'm interested in giving this a go?

I've only been playing it 3 weeks or so but love it so far.

It's not pay to win, but it is a grindfest, the grindfest however if fun and basically what the game is, try it (it's free) if you don't like it in the first few hours, then you probably won't.

But I got addicted to it straight lol.
So is this good? I've just noticed it's coop PvE which is my sort of thing. As long as it's not pay to win I'm interested in giving this a go?

Download it and give it a go. Fast paced action that you can build your Warframe to suit your play style without worrying if it is flavour of the month, everything is viable and fun.

You can get credit and xp boosters but there's no need, daily login rewards often contain them (and other goodies). Everything can be achieved with the f2p model, the cash side is just to cut down waiting time.

The best F2P game out there and very addictive.
Download it and give it a go. Fast paced action that you can build your Warframe to suit your play style without worrying if it is flavour of the month, everything is viable and fun.

You can get credit and xp boosters but there's no need, daily login rewards often contain them (and other goodies). Everything can be achieved with the f2p model, the cash side is just to cut down waiting time.

The best F2P game out there and very addictive.

Agree with this - it's actually incredibly good for a free game. I bought some platinum when I started but recently I've been making a decent amount through trading so I think it should be free from here on out tbh!

A bit of a shame there's not much more selection at the start for frames, you're kind of shoe horned into two real choices and one that's a little less effective.
A bit of a shame there's not much more selection at the start for frames, you're kind of shoe horned into two real choices and one that's a little less effective.

Which one of the three?

All the YouTube noob starter vids say to avoid the mag but I loved that Warframe personally, the first ability is a great panic button for when you've taken on more than you can handle, plus the 2/3 combo is very powerful against single targets, I wouldn't have been able to pass 2 gate bosses without it.

But yea, you get the Rhino fast, which is awesome, and actually after a month of playing now up to about 8 Warframes, mag is my second favourite so far, to the Rhino.

Also mastered Frost and nearly Excalibur, not a massive fan of either.
Mesa master-race represent. Can't wait for Mesa Prime at Christmas.

Razorback and Acoloyte events are up at the same time now by the way so theres a catalyst up for grabs and rare acoloyte mods if you can stand the grind.
Not sure why the items used to build Razorback ciphers are arch-wing missions but there we go [Salacia on Uranus seems to be the best one especially when you use the Itzal archwing
with cosmic crush].
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Mesa master-race represent. Can't wait for Mesa Prime at Christmas.

Me too - Mesa been my fave warframe for a loooong time (high range shooting gallery build for crowd control is awesome and even without high power strength the no 4 will still clear-up when you need it)

Reminds me I need to forma up the regulators (6 forma lex prime still my standard secondary)
Been playing for close to 3 weeks now and absolutely loving it!

Levelled Excalibur and Trinity Prime to 30 and currently sitting at rank 5. Thinking about buying an introductory pack for a few additional goodies and a bit of platinum (bored to death of having to wait for weapon slots to open up of rank ups).
Been playing for close to 3 weeks now and absolutely loving it!

Levelled Excalibur and Trinity Prime to 30 and currently sitting at rank 5. Thinking about buying an introductory pack for a few additional goodies and a bit of platinum (bored to death of having to wait for weapon slots to open up of rank ups).

Buying plat is worth it at the beginning - I bought a little when I started for that exact reason - more warframe and weapon slots, plus I was able to buy blueprints for the frames I wanted to try. I'm not sure on the pack you're referring to, but you could probably buy the frames and weapons for cheaper than the packs would be in comparison to the amount in platinum.
Yeah I've had one or two 20% ones drop. What's with the 'days remaining' count on the daily rewards? Does it reset if you miss a day?

Nah it'll continue where you left off if you miss days. The days remaining is when you'll (usually) get something half decent for logging in, rather than the components/materials it seems to give you each day.

I've just hit the 50 day mark yesterday and got a 3 day affinity booster and an orokin catalyst - the booster made levelling weapons and frames trivial :p I can now level up the frames I don't like in about an hour or so!
Nah it'll continue where you left off if you miss days. The days remaining is when you'll (usually) get something half decent for logging in, rather than the components/materials it seems to give you each day.

I've just hit the 50 day mark yesterday and got a 3 day affinity booster and an orokin catalyst - the booster made levelling weapons and frames trivial :p I can now level up the frames I don't like in about an hour or so!

Damn, that's pretty sweet. Does affinity level up your equipment then? I just assumed it purely the currency used for reviving.

Such a layered game. Find out something new about it each day.
Yeah I think of Affinity as the 'XP' for weapons and frames, you can sacrifice some of affinity you've earned in a mission when reviving (I think it's 10% per revive iirc), which is why the amount of affinity on the revive screen is always a weirdly different amount, the Warframe Wiki does a good job of breaking it down:


And yeah totally agree - I'm forever learning new things in this game!
I've come to the conclusion I am actually terrible at this game.

I got to about level 28 with Limbo before realising he can go invincible by pressing left shift.

I also find compared to other MR6 players I do nowhere near the damage.

That being said I don't really care I'm still having fun, just trying to collect up as many Warframes as I can, and weapons as I go, I think I'm up to about 13-14 warframes now, just started on Nova which I am liking so far.
OK downloading now. I'll give this a go this week - looked at some reviews and this looks more my bag than Destiny 2 would be :)

Any tips for a noob?
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