Warframe... Anyone on here play?

the orokin reactors and catalysts are often rewards from alerts, invasions and sortie missions

only just noticed this thread but ive been playing for almost a year now and at first it was very overwhelming as there isnt a lot of info on what to do and how to do things in-game
i do have some sites that should help with various things

Good to know - I'd not seen one as a reward ever yet so figured they were things you had to pay for! I'll keep my eyes peeled!
I got to rank 2, and I got a boltor growing, but, is it worth maxing out my braton first?

Also, once I change weapons, is there any point in keeping your old weapon? If I sold a weapon I had mastered, do I have to level it up again?
Always max weapons and frames. Then get rid of them if you really don't like them or manage to get the improved version.

Yes, I think you have to level it up again if you get rid of it.
Hi Budforce,

As you maybe already know, the only way to level up your Mastery Rank is to level up weapons and Warframes to level 30.
Like if you completed a mission using already maxed rank 30 weapons, Warframe and Sentinel/Companion, it would not add anything to your Mastery Rank.
So I'd recommend maxing anything you can get your hands on, all weapons are adequate at the start of the game anyway.
I kept ranking up everything till I got to MR14 (Aklex Prime MR requirement changed to MR15 after Feb update) as it was the max you needed to unlock all available weapons and Warframes so you can use them (if you have all the parts to craft them).
As for selling, yes you would have to level up again if you bought a new one and if you've put an Orokin Catalyst in it or Forma'd it you won't get them back when you sell it.
Some people have told me it's best to keep all your weapons as you never know if DE will buff it in the future and it then becomes the new meta weapon.
Having said that, a lot of weapons are cheap to make and their blueprints are easily available on the in-game market so you might as well sell them now and get them again later if need be (no point in keeping the MK1 versions).
Also check the Wiki to see if it's used in the crafting of another weapon, so might be worth hanging on to.
Although most items in the in-game market require plat to buy outright without the need to craft, there are a few that only require credits so look out for them when you are in the Arsenal under Equip, the ones with a credit symbol can be bought already crafted though you don't get a slot included like you do with the plat ones.

Hope this is of some use to you or to someone new to the game.


Edit: For the concise version see TheBrooder's reply. :D
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Also if say you've maxed out your melee and sidearm, you can remove them to make sure all the xp goes to your frame or main weapon, otherwise they still take a portion even though they are maxed.
@Nothin pretty much covered everything i was going to reply with, but would like to emphasise the fact that some weapons are indeed ingredients in blueprints for other weapons too.. i myself have had a rebuild numerous weapons that i got rid of just to build something else

heres a link to the wiki page that shows which weapons are needed to build others

Do you guys generally explore all of the level to get all of the loot or just do the objective and gtfo?

theres really no need to go and loot everything unless your looking for a specific thing, the majority of stuff builds up over time and is more than you will need
also if someone notices a certain type of rare ingredient they will usually mark it for the team to see
So I've mastered the Mk1-Bo , does the regular Bo count as a different weapon?

If so, worth buying that, and mastering that next?

Also I bought the Braton, but I never mastered the Mk1-Braton, should I go back and buy that one, and master it, or just move on?
Yes mate, the Mk1 versions count as completely different weapons and both count towards you Mastery Rank.
Subsequent re-levelling of already mastered weapons don't count though, even if you buy a new one.

As for which weapon next it's really up to what you enjoy, if you have the blueprints and resources might as well try a different style weapon, don't want to burn yourself out but if not, all the Mk1s are cheap, which was important for me at the start of the game, and still count towards getting the better weapons (Hek being the lowest MR requirement super weapon IMHO, at MR4).

Just something I wish I'd of known early on, selling the Ayatan sculptures and Stars you find laying about in missions earns you Endo for upgrading mods but if you install the Stars in the Sculptures first you get far more for them than selling the parts individually.

'15 free things'

#11 deluxe skins cost plat (yes you can make plat without cash but its a grind)
#14 switch version is unlikely to be free
#15 requires amazon prime subs

Not to mention 1-2 are the same thing, 3-9 are all sub-features of fortuna open world.

More like '5 free things'

Appreciate the due diligence on your part of clarifying what is or is not, FREE. ;)
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