Warframe... Anyone on here play?

As above, but also pets, companions, and archwings and their weapons.

The key to constant MR xp is to always be constructing new stuff. Keep buying bps, keep building the things. That way you'll always have something to rank up mastery with when your last item hits 30.

They are expensive but don't overlook the pets/companions. There are only 8 animals and about 10 sentinels so they're not overly abundant.
The only problem I'm having is the game won't run in full screen :( no matter what res it will only run in window mode or full window mode not full screen :(
Also, if you only want to level say your primary weapon, you can un-equip everything else so the xp isn't shared and only goes into the primary. This includes the sentinels/sentinel weapons.
How do I get to the plains?? I see no new planets. I really hope I don't need to be a certain rank.

OK found it but it's locked.
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Also, if you only want to level say your primary weapon, you can un-equip everything else so the xp isn't shared and only goes into the primary. This includes the sentinels/sentinel weapons.
Just to add to this. Don't use your warframes abilities to kill enemies or you won't get xp for your weapon, and stay close to your teammates as you will get some xp from their kills.
me and a few friends play it semi regularly, I'm a lvl 30 Mag with a fair few weapons, Mastery Rank 5 I think.

Just crafted a Mag prime and Oberon which I need to level up.

Most of my friends are far ahead of me so can get gear pretty quick and easy, I'll see if they're up for running some peeps through some missions some time soon if anyone would be interested
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