Warframe... Anyone on here play?

The movement and speed is very fun though, nice and smooth at high FPS too. Is there a clan running that we can join?
I started up a clan called OCUK a while back for the discord guys, but they all stayed in / joined other clans. I don't think any of us are in the same clan!

Clan is now rank 8 with only 3 weapons left to research. Anyone is welcome to join. IGN is Delta3000 clan OCUK
I've no more weapons slots left so I'm at the point of needing to trade for platinum but I don't think I've got anything worth trading...
Some tips based off this point.
If you want to get plat you need to trade prime parts or rare/high level mods, there are websites that give approx pricing for items. Sets are worth a little bit more than the sum of individual components. Vaulted prime equipment are worth significantly more than live prime gear. (Vaulting is when prime equipment is removed from the drop table and can only be acquired via trading (It can't even be purchased with real cash), they will unvault items every now and then). Warframes are vaulted in order of when they were released and approximately 2 years after release (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes_Comparison/Release_Dates/Prime) So next up is sayrn prime in early 2018 along with spira prime and nikana prime. I would recommend trying to farm nikana prime; I might log in and do this if i can pull myself away from rocket league and stellaris and heat signature :D.

I must admit it has been a while since i've done any trading (or playing) but the acronyms that i used when trading at the time was W.T.S (want to sell), W.T.T(want to trade), W.T.B (want to buy). You will need to join a clan to trade though, or hope that they are part of a clan as the dojo has the trading platform.

If you want to go the free to play route (which i did) only spend plat on warframe and weapon slots (personally i only used carrier so I didn't buy companion slots), and orokin catalysts/reactors (P.O.T.A.T.O). Only use potato's on your favorite warframe and weapons, and if you cannot get the prime versions of the equipment. A free Potato is awarded every friday on a special mission that lasts 24 hours. It usually low level, so most/all players are able to complete it. Before using potatos i would recommend you learn about the Mod system and Forma.

Once you max out a weapon, if you have no intentions of using it again, sell the weapon. Sell warframes once you have the prime version of the warframe (Carefully pick what warframe you want to build, to avoid filling you slots with warframes you don't enjoy playing with).
You will need to join a clan to trade though, or hope that they are part of a clan as the dojo has the trading platform.
No need for clan to trade, can use relay or can be invited to someone else's dojo. Don't need a trading post either, as can press Q and set up shop

I think it's a new thing, because I sometimes have people come to my dojo to trade, and start running around asking where the trading post is :D
OK, so just how are you supposed to kill that Jackal boss? I've shot his legs to cripple him and had him down to about 1% health loads of time now and he just never dies. Just tried it in a public match with three other higher specced players and we also failed.
Did you pick Excalibur as your starter frame? the exalted blade special makes very short work of him. You can solo him at low levels with this.
Yes, used Exalted Blade on him each and every time. He just gets to 1% of health and then sits at that no matter how many times he's downed. It only takes a few minutes to get him there too, so it's not like I'm actually struggling with dealing damage to him.

It's beginning to really **** me off now as I can't open the next planet junction without killing him.
Yes, used Exalted Blade on him each and every time. He just gets to 1% of health and then sits at that no matter how many times he's downed. It only takes a few minutes to get him there too, so it's not like I'm actually struggling with dealing damage to him.

It's beginning to really **** me off now as I can't open the next planet junction without killing him.

From what I recall, you have to hit the tank thing on his back, otherwise he won't die.
Strange, I just stood right behind him and smashed his legs with exhalted blade then as soon as he goes down hit him in the body. Could be a bug?
No need for clan to trade, can use relay or can be invited to someone else's dojo. Don't need a trading post either, as can press Q and set up shop

I think it's a new thing, because I sometimes have people come to my dojo to trade, and start running around asking where the trading post is :D
Does Q work while in the dojo? Seems like it any idea when they brought it in?
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