Warframe... Anyone on here play?

Thought I'd give this a go. However, for some reason when I go to log in to the website it just sits there doing **** all with "Waiting for warframe.com..." sitting at the bottom of the browser. Then it times out with a 500 error.
those of you who are deep in the bowels of Warframe lore

can i have a buld/warframe that lets me be Neo/Ninja/Jedi all rolled into one?

Is there boomerang type weapons i can chain onto multiple enemies? Similarily is there a whip or grappling hook type weapons or are the weapons just shooters and some sword types?

Can i dodge or warp through bullets/projectiles? Is there a great variety of sword type weapons if someone doesnt want to just play a shooter type all the time. Are the mods interesting? ie its not just +2 damage or +5 resistance to x type. You get actual physical differences and how they play in game?

Also the aesthetic customisations you can do ...you dont pay for them do you? (ship/weapon/avatar etc)

those of you who are deep in the bowels of Warframe lore

can i have a buld/warframe that lets me be Neo/Ninja/Jedi all rolled into one?

Is there boomerang type weapons i can chain onto multiple enemies? Similarily is there a whip or grappling hook type weapons or are the weapons just shooters and some sword types?

Can i dodge or warp through bullets/projectiles? Is there a great variety of sword type weapons if someone doesnt want to just play a shooter type all the time. Are the mods interesting? ie its not just +2 damage or +5 resistance to x type. You get actual physical differences and how they play in game?

Also the aesthetic customisations you can do ...you dont pay for them do you? (ship/weapon/avatar etc)


Generally yes to all of the above, except the multiple chaining boomerang weapons. There are boomerangs but I don't think they seek out targets. Someone else may be able to answer as I haven't spent much time with the niche weaps.

I don't think there is a grappling hook that pulls an enemy, but Valkyr's #1 special does that. Some warframes have blink-style moves like nova and ash, and there are a few with stealth like loki, ivara and octavia, and limbo can even change dimension and effectively be invulnerable.

There are more melee weapons than other weapons in the game. Also there are a fair few crossover weapon between the genres e.g. sarpa is a gun-blade, ferox is a thrown spear gun, etc.

There's loads of customisation in the game. You can colour anything a different colour, and there are multiple skins/helmets for each warframe, and some skins for weapons. High-end customisation is called "Fashion Frame" and you will need to fork out real cash for that.

The game does cater for a multitude of styles.
can i have a buld/warframe that lets me be Neo/Ninja/Jedi all rolled into one?

Can i dodge or warp through bullets/projectiles? Is there a great variety of sword type weapons if someone doesnt want to just play a shooter type all the time. Are the mods interesting? ie its not just +2 damage or +5 resistance to x type. You get actual physical differences and how they play in game?.

I'm going to focus on the mods part of your question.

TL DR; I would recommend your learn how to effectively use the mods system as this will greatly affect your play style.

The mod system in my opinion is really good/amazing. I would recommend that you watch some youtube videos of different mod builds as well as browsing the warframe wikia to understand how each mod will affect your play style.

I'll give you a quick overview of what you can do with the mods.

You have your standard buffs to armour, health, shields and energy however you don't need to use all of them at the same time to fight at the highest level. You have various mods that affect the strength, duration, range and efficiency of your warframes abilities. You can't max them all at the same time so you need to pick which ones to max at the expense of others and this is where you get your variation in play style. For example

On Ivara i have two main builds. One build is for stealth and i've maxed out duration and efficiency at the cost of reducing strength and range. By doing this i can be invisible for long periods of time. I think i got to 35 mins in survival without being unclocked.
The other build is more "combat" orientated, where i've maxed strength and then efficiency, at the expense of range and duration. This makes her Artemis bow incredibly strong, to the point where i can one shot most enemies up to a certain level. It does mean that I cannot use her stealth ability as it would drain all her energy in seconds.

There can be advantages to have really low strength and duration on certain warframes

On Trinity i have an energy vampire build where her duration is at its lowest possible. This allows me to replenish the energy of teammates in 1-2 seconds. Or I can go the other way and get a really high duration which allows me to give teammates a damage reducing buff for about a 20 seconds.

You have your standard buffs to damage but there is only 1 main mod per weapon type that buffs overall damage. You have the physical damage and element system which is quite complex. A quick summary, physical damage and elements have different buffs and debuffs on different units/factions, each type of element and damage type has different affects on the enemy, for example fire can cause them to panic, electricity can stun them. There is also the critical hit and critical chance system, which multiplies damage to a target.

So in summary you can mod for raw damage, elemental damage or critical hits.

On top of this there are mods which affect your play style. For example blood rush with body count and a melee weapon with high critical damage multiplier. As you build up your combo meter you increase your chance of doing a critical hit, and your critical damage multiplier. With a long enough combo, you can reach a point where you have 100%+ chance of doing a critical hit. So each swing is a critical hit and then you have a chance of doing an extra critical hit damage. The downside is that you have 12 seconds (with a fully upgraded body count) to attack an enemy before it resets, which at higher levels can make your weapon almost useless if you lose your combo meter.

Also some warframes abilities use some of the mods on your weapons to buff the ability, like ivara's bow that i mentioned earlier. It uses the mods on your bow weapon.
Is the massive update out now then? How does that come in to play for players merely hours in? Is it end game content? I don't want to be more confused than I already have been :D
Just had a quick go and was surprised at how polished it is and how well it runs, even on my ancient system, for a free game. It's also one of the only 3rd person games I actually feel OK with using M&K to control rather than the XBox controller - and I generally don't get on with 3rd person games.
Is the massive update out now then? How does that come in to play for players merely hours in? Is it end game content? I don't want to be more confused than I already have been :D
Yes it's on earth, but I think it's high level content. I haven't actually been there yet
The lowest tier bounty (mission) for the new open world system is ranked for level 5-15 enemies. So you can get in early.
There are 5 bounties total which increment up to 40-60. The devs appear to want people getting in early, and coming back to it as they rank up.
Just got this as well, there is a lot to learn! The movement and speed is very fun though, nice and smooth at high FPS too. Is there a clan running that we can join?

Just hit MR 2 and looking at unlocking my first frame, after using Excalibur. I'm thinking of trying Valkyr first, but is there a frame with similar CC to Excalibur's Radial Bind thats easy to get as a new player?
I've no more weapons slots left so I'm at the point of needing to trade for platinum but I don't think I've got anything worth trading...
Just got this as well, there is a lot to learn! The movement and speed is very fun though, nice and smooth at high FPS too. Is there a clan running that we can join?

Just hit MR 2 and looking at unlocking my first frame, after using Excalibur. I'm thinking of trying Valkyr first, but is there a frame with similar CC to Excalibur's Radial Bind thats easy to get as a new player?

I'm pretty new as well, unlocked Rhino as my second suit after maxing out Excalibur. Enjoying it so far, has 'iron skin' which basically makes you invulnerable for a while - it's carnage!

The whole game is hugely impressive, so much to dig in to and i haven't even tried the new expansion yet!

.... and it's free
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