Warframe... Anyone on here play?

been playing for a little bit

got to the part where i can see other peoples chat, i guess its not offline game then!

love it so far
im just using melee attacks, gun is pointless lol

not sure how the online part fits in to this game, so far its all offline doing missions
but time will tell
New War looks hyper dull. I can't do this game again. Managed to MR 29, aiming for 30 before quitting but there's only so much of this type of gameplay you can take before it becomes more of a chore than enjoyment.

Maybe Duviri Paradox will bring something new... not counting my hopes though. DE ran out of ideas a long time ago.
been playing for a little bit

got to the part where i can see other peoples chat, i guess its not offline game then!

love it so far
im just using melee attacks, gun is pointless lol

not sure how the online part fits in to this game, so far its all offline doing missions
but time will tell
From memory all missions including story mission can be done either solo (offline) or co-op. It has been a while since i played but when readying up for a mission there should be an option to go solo, matchmaking, closed pre made squad or friends only can randomly join you.

the central hub (can't remember the name) is kind of online only in that when you join you will meet other players but are not in a party together.
i noticed when i did a couple of missions, someone joined me for both
1 mission i did , needed 2 people to unlock the door
so i guess most missions are ok on your own, bar that one lol
ah i see !
Thanks :)

It's good fun for a while doing them solo, when doing them with others it becomes a race to speed run the level to the end most of the time.

I redownloaded Warframe after about a year and a half/2 years of not playing it, absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to be doing now but I'm having a heck of a time hacking and slashing my way around!
funny you should mention that, the other guy just stormed it to the end asap lol

i was opening crates and killing along the way, is that the best way ?
funny you should mention that, the other guy just stormed it to the end asap lol

i was opening crates and killing along the way, is that the best way ?

I'm not sure there really is a best way, I like to run around the levels so I end up getting seperated from the rest of the group a lot of the time lol. I am a noob though so god knows which method is best.
Warframe is one of my favourite games ;) Even got my daughter playing it now (16 year old) She loves it too. Every now and then I give it a rest while playing something else but I keep coming back :D Can't beat it!
They are just skins. The gameplay is identical. In fact if anything it's gimped gameplay since you do not have access to the movement skills of warframes.

I guess you don't care much for story and lore and quests in general then?

Something more helpful for new players.

I guess you don't care much for story and lore and quests in general then?
Hot take, but let me say this.

It jumped the shark when
Lotus was revealed to be an undercover sentient

There was some cool story arcs throughout the game, particularly Second Dream. But there is simply too much nonsensical retcon now.
I don't think I've done a lot of the stuff on that infographic - if anyone wants to do some stuff with a noob like me, let me know :D
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