Warframe... Anyone on here play?

Don't have Mesa yet so haven't used her cheese guns ability.:D

Mesa is much more than just her no 4 gun ability.

Shatter shield is solid defense with upto 95% damage reduction easily available - works very nicely with a duration build.

Build for range and a bit of duration and Shooting Gallery becomes awesome CC for you plus a damage bonus on top.
Mobs will just stop and play with their guns allowing you a nice headshot.
Just started, first trip out on to the plains.

I do have 2 annoying bugs though, the loading bar will move along then just stop dead. Sits there for ages. Second are doors that sometimes don't open. It's highlighted as an objective route but will not open.

I am enjoying it solo for now.
I enjoyed it for a good while, i just can't get back into it though it just feels to P2W sadly. Even when just playing PvE content there is always someone there talking about how they just bought this new frame and these best guns ect and annihilate everything.

The character discussed above is a prime example. Mesa prime is massively OP you kill everything by holding left click and turning around.
I enjoyed it for a good while, i just can't get back into it though it just feels to P2W sadly. Even when just playing PvE content there is always someone there talking about how they just bought this new frame and these best guns ect and annihilate everything.

The character discussed above is a prime example. Mesa prime is massively OP you kill everything by holding left click and turning around.
Yeah that's why I stopped playing why grind something for hours when you can just buy it.
So Tennocon came and went. Cool stuff alert.

Full video of the main event.

Empyrean Demo

Duviri Paradox

The New War Trailer

Wukong Prime which comes with Zhuge Prime and Ninkondi Prime

Brand new New Player cinematic

Just started playing this to keep me occupied until I can go full BL3, and quite enjoying it!

Still a noob at MR2, but working my way through the starchart to farm my mats for Rhino :D
Hi Krooton, I'm not going to give you advice on how to play the game because I definitely don't play it the way it's meant.
I've spent 90% of my time playing solo and probably 90% of that in the open world areas just running round shooting stuff, I find it good mindless stress relief. :)

I will pass on some information I was told though.
Mods make the frame/weapon, not the Prime.
Prime frames and weapons are cool but not essential, they tend to have only slightly better stats than their standard forms.
For me the best thing about them is that their Mod slots can come with more polarities which just makes them a bit more powerful at lower levels/MR by allowing higher capacity mods, but polarities can be added to any frame/weapon later with Forma.

As you already know, working your way through the map is the best way to passively get credits, resources and Exp.

Have fun mate.
Cheers. I bounce between soloing story missions (the ice sniper junction took me a while!) which is good fun, love a spy mission and headshotting with my bow, and farming public defenses with my vacuum sentinel :D
I've just started up again, it's frustrating.

I started off doing great, bow weapon, beginner frame and did pretty well overall.

Got my own dojo I'm working towards but just seem to be struggling to manage anything now.

Upgraded my warframe to Valkyr as it seemed a decent upgrade and I'm currently mastery rank 5 but playing along side other players and they just seem to decimate groups of bad guys. Playing the halloween missions with others, granted they higher ranks but I'm killing anything I can see and it's like 10% of the damage dealt, while some guy standing there is taking out groups by doing nothing and walks away with 50% of the damage dealt. Struggling to solo missions anymore.

I've just started up again, it's frustrating.

I started off doing great, bow weapon, beginner frame and did pretty well overall.

Got my own dojo I'm working towards but just seem to be struggling to manage anything now.

Upgraded my warframe to Valkyr as it seemed a decent upgrade and I'm currently mastery rank 5 but playing along side other players and they just seem to decimate groups of bad guys. Playing the halloween missions with others, granted they higher ranks but I'm killing anything I can see and it's like 10% of the damage dealt, while some guy standing there is taking out groups by doing nothing and walks away with 50% of the damage dealt. Struggling to solo missions anymore.

I would recommend looking up some build guides. Valkitty a great frame if played correctly, I think I have more time played on her than all frames combined.

No idea how much of a break you had from wf, I played it like 20 hours when it got released and then 4 or 5 years later I found a totally different game. I'd say to join a dojo friendly to "new" players. Veterans have often nothing to do but show their Saryn fashion around. Also what MR are you?
I would recommend looking up some build guides. Valkitty a great frame if played correctly, I think I have more time played on her than all frames combined.

No idea how much of a break you had from wf, I played it like 20 hours when it got released and then 4 or 5 years later I found a totally different game. I'd say to join a dojo friendly to "new" players. Veterans have often nothing to do but show their Saryn fashion around. Also what MR are you?

Thanks, you'd think being an ex-eve online player i'd be more up to speed with investigating builds, there's a lot to this game I've not really looked at so I guess i'll have to spend some time reading up more.

I've only been away for about 7-8 months and I am MR 5. I looked at joining a dojo but recruitment seemed to be full of one man bands recruiting and no larger noob guilds
Thanks, you'd think being an ex-eve online player i'd be more up to speed with investigating builds, there's a lot to this game I've not really looked at so I guess i'll have to spend some time reading up more.

I've only been away for about 7-8 months and I am MR 5. I looked at joining a dojo but recruitment seemed to be full of one man bands recruiting and no larger noob guilds
As far I remember recruiting chat was always full, let's say 60% clans looking for veterans and other for anyone, but again and didn't play past months so not sure.

As an ex-eve player myself I found that WF has totally different learning curves... I would've loved to invite you to my clan but we're mostly people who play for the memes from now and then

I think you really unlock your potential at MR12-13 because you can use most of the weapons , etc.

btw a message in regional saying you're new and seek advice should get the attention, veterans love to help newbies with information and mods/blueprints!
So The Old Blood was recently released,

The main thing with this update comes the Nemesis system with its Kuva lich's.


The Melee system has been improved with manual blocking now a thing again with the reintroduction of melee weapon equipping. Tactical dodge has been added along with other things like heavy attack being a separate button, heavy attack slam, mod reworks etc.

Vauban and Ember have been reworked.

Grendel has been added.

A new kavat, a new Titania deluxe skin and an exilus slot for primary and secondary weapons have been added. Melee exilus will come later. More configs added for players to purchase.

Was there some sort of major problem with the game in the last couple of weeks?

Friend of mine who plays it often mentioned that he was rather upset (putting it mildly) that he killed some creature and was not given the reward for this
as the Devs had applied a patch "after" he had killed the creature.

So anybody hear about this and if so what is the problem (if there's one)?


Constructing spaceships has been added. Flying them will come later.

Was there some sort of major problem with the game in the last couple of weeks?

Friend of mine who plays it often mentioned that he was rather upset (putting it mildly) that he killed some creature and was not given the reward for this as the Devs had applied a patch "after" he had killed the creature.

So anybody hear about this and if so what is the problem (if there's one)?


Major updates bring major bugs. Some have been fixed and some are still in existence, nothing particularly game breaking for me atm and I don't do kuva lich's which is probably what your friend was doing. Devs regularly apply hotfixes, I expect at least 2 this week [one tomorrow]. Your friend could always have contacted support soon after he lost whatever he lost, they do reimburse people but the likelihood of that happening lessens with each passing hour like all games.
I am struggling a little with the mastery rank 9 test - where you have to stealth kill the simulated enemies and remain undetected. Getting to the third part of the test without an difficulty, but always get detected at that point.

Please tell me I am not the only person to have struggled with this one? :D
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