Warframe... Anyone on here play?

i thought Kuva Fortress moved around, but i can now get to it when ever i want :D

also got " Kuva Lich" ? what ever that is , its next to nightwave , but no idea if its part of me, or i got to beat him :confused: at the moment
you must have got a mercy kill on it, where you press x to finish them off, when you kill them next time you get your stuff back I think, & they can also drop a kuva weapon, some are really good, not done it myself yet so cant give advice, but theres probably some good vids on them
Ah ok thanks
Yeah , came up press x for something it said, but I suppose it will all come good in the end, just means I need to go back to the fortress until I find him
They had Tennocon last night, here's few bits from it, the ingame event wasn't that great was more like a movie:

Just announced: 50th Warframe Giveaway Celebration and Anime Trailer - Rise to Heroism by witnessing the 50th Warframe Anime and return as Kahl-175 in Veilbreaker

The Return of Kahl-175 and the 50th Warframe debut

Veilbreaker brings more opportunities to be the savior of the Origin System as the legendary Grineer hero from The New War, Kahl-175, returns in this explosive Update and Quest coming to all platforms in September.

Alongside Veilbreaker comes Styanax, the 50th Warframe—a mythic warrior of shield and spear. In celebration of this huge milestone in the growth of Warframe’s roster of legendary warriors, you will get Styanax free for a limited time just by logging in up to two weeks after Veilbreaker launches next month!

I am having a dabble. quite enjoying it. a quick question. due to the limited inventory of weapons and frames etc (I despise this aspect of F2P and other games which use inventory as a way to make you pay money ... it made me walk away for ESO!!

but if I master a frame or weapon and then have to get rid of it to free up space for another. down the line if I make another version of that item will it still be max level or will I have to start from scratch?.
currently am ranked as a novice ... it's going to take a lot of time to level up . I do have a max level frame and some weapons but the way the game works as soon as you max an item you are encouraged to ditch it.

I had some platinum but because of my hatred of limited inventory I spent the lot of it on new frame and weapon slots.
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I am having a dabble. quite enjoying it. a quick question. due to the limited inventory of weapons and frames etc (I despise this aspect of F2P and other games which use inventory as a way to make you pay money ... it made me walk away for ESO!!

but if I master a frame or weapon and then have to get rid of it to free up space for another. down the line if I make another version of that item will it still be max level or will I have to start from scratch?.
currently am ranked as a novice ... it's going to take a lot of time to level up . I do have a max level frame and some weapons but the way the game works as soon as you max an item you are encouraged to ditch it.

I had some platinum but because of my hatred of limited inventory I spent the lot of it on new frame and weapon slots.

havent played this in a long while but if i remember correctly, the majority of weapons are used just to gain mastery xp or whatever its called and then get rid
to answer your question though, no it wont still be max level if you make a new one, but it doesnt take long to rank them up.. if you unequip your other 2 weapons it goes much faster because they share the xp if you have all 3 equipped

also not sure if its still the case but every now n then on the login rewards you can get a coupon for 75% off platinum on the website which is the only time i would buy any
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I am having a dabble. quite enjoying it. a quick question. due to the limited inventory of weapons and frames etc (I despise this aspect of F2P and other games which use inventory as a way to make you pay money ... it made me walk away for ESO!!
When you get established with spare parts you can start selling prime bps/parts for plat which you can then use to buy slots etc. As much as I'm not enjoying the current changes of late and as such playing less the one good thing about warframe is you can trade for plat (warframe.market is a good site for reference/selling/buying) which can do cosmetics/slots etc.

but if I master a frame or weapon and then have to get rid of it to free up space for another. down the line if I make another version of that item will it still be max level or will I have to start from scratch?.
currently am ranked as a novice ... it's going to take a lot of time to level up . I do have a max level frame and some weapons but the way the game works as soon as you max an item you are encouraged to ditch it.
Think of it like this, each item you own is it's own unique item and needs to be treated as such... forma, level, mod loadouts (outside the 3 setups - polarities are shared though) are all independent. The only thing is the MR value can only be earnt once per item (some special items go to rank 40 and need forma to do it) and that MR goes towards your overall rank.

Not sure if you've reached helminth yet but if you haven't don't sell your non prime frame (keep the primes unless you desperately need the space) unless you have to, you will need that to feed the helminth.
Be careful with weapons, some weapons need to be used to make other weapons (check wiki) but ALWAYS max a weapon to max rank before selling it.
Also don't waste your time with potatoes/forma on low level gear it's just not worth it.... same goes for a warframe if there is a prime version (assuming it's not vaulted)

I had some platinum but because of my hatred of limited inventory I spent the lot of it on new frame and weapon slots.
You did the right thing... that's what we all recommend newbies do. Also try and do the nightwave seasons as they usually have some sort of slot in them, keep an eye out for any alerts with stuff too. Maroo's ayatan missions would be recommended too (good endo supply when full with stars)

Any other questions ask away, last I checked I had 3000ish hours in the game, although like I say I've not been playing as much of late and there's some things I just didn't enjoy so didn't play it much.
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Revenant Prime coming soon, yay!

stupid question..... I have only really played this solo or with friends.
if I play with randoms if I choose to bail on say a drilling mission where you can continually carry on or leave..... can I leave at a y point or do I have to wait till all players leave?

same question in the different game mode. I did one of those missions where you start in a big ship and I was a gunner.
we then docked and did some stuff on foot. we escaped in our wing suits into space. I thought at this point the mission was done successfully so I dropped out.
it then ca.e up mission failed. did I spoil it for the rest of the group?
stupid question..... I have only really played this solo or with friends.
if I play with randoms if I choose to bail on say a drilling mission where you can continually carry on or leave..... can I leave at a y point or do I have to wait till all players leave?

same question in the different game mode. I did one of those missions where you start in a big ship and I was a gunner.
we then docked and did some stuff on foot. we escaped in our wing suits into space. I thought at this point the mission was done successfully so I dropped out.
it then ca.e up mission failed. did I spoil it for the rest of the group?
You can leave anytime.

No it didnt spoil it for the rest of the group, you can leave group and dock up again. As long as you get to the mission successful message and after all the rewards appear you can safely go. You need to get back into the Railjack [the ship] to complete the mission with everyone else.

Revenant Prime coming on the 5th.

Caught the second half of the show and it looked good. It's impressive what they manage do create especially compared to Destiny. Warframe 1999 looked cool as well for next year.
I literally sunk thousands of hours in this game and have played up until the Duvuri Paradox update but I haven't been too keen on the direction they have taken the game.

They have moved away from playing the actual Warframes and have focused too much on the Operators/Drifters and adding mini content islands instead of focusing on the base gameplay and bug fixes.

Cross-save is a welcome addition but beyond that, there isn't anything much on the horizon that interest me.

Weren't they planning on expanding the Origin system and adding new worlds?
Weren't they planning on expanding the Origin system and adding new worlds?
I mean Deimos is getting expanded in the new update.......

There wasn't really plan per se Im sure they think about it all the time. Some people were speculating getting to the Tau system but that's mere daydreaming.

And as per Pablo's notes they will be updating companions, Hydroid and some other stuff like quests and grind.
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