Warframe... Anyone on here play?

Thanks all. I got a discount code so bought some plat, but I have only used it to buy some slots for weapons and warframes as I know I will need those. Not bought any weapons yet because I don't really know what to look for. Happy just ranking up the few I've already got.
I have two space in the ocuk clan if anyone needs access to bps.

Just got back into this a week or so back, only had a year or 2 out, but theres been so much stuff added it took me a while to get back into it, just chasing the new incarnon weapons atm, could do with getting rid of some old ones, anyone have an up to date tier list so I can see which I should sell? Got some plat atm, but theres so many new weapons or incarnon versions, that I could blow it all just making space for them, & need to add a few frame slots too.

I wouldn't throw your plat at weapons just yet, get the laetum from holdfast standing on zariman and work from there. The pistol is an absolute beast when fully evolved, and will carry you through the rest of your farms.

Only thing that may trip you up is steel path duviri circuit, which is where you get the incarnon mods for existing weapons. You are forced to take random frames and weapons which makes it very tough, especially solo.
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I have two space in the ocuk clan if anyone needs access to bps.

I wouldn't throw your plat at weapons just yet, get the laetum from holdfast standing on zariman and work from there. The pistol is an absolute beast when fully evolved, and will carry you through the rest of your farms.

Only thing that may trip you up is steel path duviri circuit, which is where you get the incarnon mods for existing weapons. You are forced to take random frames and weapons which makes it very tough, especially solo.

Thanks, but I was talking about buying slots, not the weapons themselves, first I want to try & figure out which to vendor from the ones I have, most of the tier lists I have found are well out of date & dont even have incarnon weapons listed, even though most of them seem to be the top picks now.

For reference, I already have the laetum, I'm currently working on getting more incanons, got the lex, dual tox, burston, & torid so far, but getting very full on weapons now, with a bunch of new ( non incarnon) ones already made & waiting to be levelled.
Thanks, but I was talking about buying slots, not the weapons themselves, first I want to try & figure out which to vendor from the ones I have, most of the tier lists I have found are well out of date & dont even have incarnon weapons listed, even though most of them seem to be the top picks now.

For reference, I already have the laetum, I'm currently working on getting more incanons, got the lex, dual tox, burston, & torid so far, but getting very full on weapons now, with a bunch of new ( non incarnon) ones already made & waiting to be levelled.
Not really sure on tier lists. Last time I played it was the kuva weapons that were the top tier, now it's incarnons. Hard to say what to delete when they could release an incarnon mod for it and turn it into a top tier item.

General rule would be delete all the non-prime versions of stuff that has primes. Then next delete all the basic stuff that can be built off the market easily i.e. bp and resources. Finally just blitz the stuff you know you'll never use.
I have couple of warframes that are both at max rank and I only have a few weapons and they are also at max rank - so am I right in thinking that I won't be increasing my MR while I equip that loadout? I should always be ranking up something - is that right?
I have couple of warframes that are both at max rank and I only have a few weapons and they are also at max rank - so am I right in thinking that I won't be increasing my MR while I equip that loadout? I should always be ranking up something - is that right?
Yes, always! Unless you're doing high tier stuff and you need your best loadout.
the best way to level stuff early on would be wave missions, such as survival or defense, got to 10 levels if you can handle it. Later on there are some public missions ppl level stuff in, but probably not available to you yet, eso or hydron on sedna were generally the 2 places ppl used to go, idk if its still the same with all the stuff theyve released since I last levelled a lot of things, also before you go to level something, if you're only levelling one weapon unequip all others because the exp is split between all weapons you have equipped even if theyre already max rank, so it will level faster if you only have the one equipped you are levelling, & nip to one of the relays, someone may be doing the 2 hour affinity buff, makes it tons quicker, but weapons arent too bad to level warframes take longer.
Not played for a few years but the best way to get plat used to be with the apps Warframe market and plat or ducat.
Find out what weapon and Warframe blueprints are worth the most on the market and then run the missions to farm the parts, advertise them on the market and when the buyer contacts you meet them at your dojo.
It's a really quick process once you do it a few times and you'll make 1000s of plat if you don't mind the grind.
Never buy plat for real money unless you want to support the Devs.
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Wow they finally got around to cross save? People were asking years ago and it was always an ask again later situation.
It was suppose to go live for founders last week but they had to delay it again so hopefully it will go live for them sometime today and the rest of us will get it later this year supposedly lol.
I wasn't aware of the cross save until now :) I'm gonna have a good read up because I've got two accounts on pc and console :cry: That'll make life much easier going forwards definitely!
I wasn't aware of the cross save until now :) I'm gonna have a good read up because I've got two accounts on pc and console :cry: That'll make life much easier going forwards definitely!
If you haven't merged any of your accounts yet, then you should get the option to merge your accounts and you will also have to choose which account you want as your main. After that you should be able to freely choose which platform to game on.
The legendary arcanes that eidolons drop are being sold in this clan operation. They cost 12 currency, and you get 3-5 per run. So average 63 runs to get a fully maxed out Arcane Energize/Grace/Barrier.

Can see this getting farmed to hell. Interested to see the prices of them afterwards.
ah nice didn't realise account merging was active now. Played on PC a few years ago but recently went through most of the campaign on ps5 (runs really well on console now)
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