Warframe... Anyone on here play?

Don't forget Gauss Prime early next year.

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are there any free spots in the ocuk clan?
Clan is good for bps as everything is researched, but I’m the only one who logs in so if you’re looking for a social experience you may wanna find a more active clan. Send me your ign if you still want in.
Might I have a nosey around ;) I've not been in a clan before, even a quiet one :P I do jump in game occasionally as I get the itch to play sometimes :D

My username is T1Cybernetic
Clan is good for bps as everything is researched, but I’m the only one who logs in so if you’re looking for a social experience you may wanna find a more active clan. Send me your ign if you still want in.


I just play for a week or so every 2-4 months, pretty sporadic really. Most clans kick after that much inactivity

I just play for a week or so every 2-4 months, pretty sporadic really. Most clans kick after that much inactivity


If anyone else would like in, I'll have to look at removing others who have been inactive. Would love to increase the size of the clan, but it would mean an increase in material costs for new research projects. And that's a pain since I've solo'd the entirety of the clan research.
Star Days is back for anyone who missed the wings before (me). I believe these are the only wings in the game except for titania's deluxe.


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event, go to ticker on fortuna but you need debt bonds for the items and if you haven't got stock of them, good luck with that farm.
damn, maybe next time. I've not done a huge amount of the rep grinds yet

The actual wings dont need a grind (unless you have very little orb vallis mats), just buy them off ticker. Might take a couple of transactions.



Released two weeks ago, very good update.

Along with Dante, two new weapons, can turn shards into tauforged, archon shard moved from Kahl to Bird 3, omnia fissures for all relics, new Disruption node on Deimos, Inaros rework, new Augment mods, some new lighting, Mirage Eclipse changed, new Tennogen, other qol stuff. Deep Archimedea released last week.

Styanax Deluxe.


Free Nikana for the 11 year Anniversary.
1999 Trailer:

Tennocon 1999 Gameplay Demo:

Infested Liches!
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Warframe is a game I love the look of, but have no clue where to start.

How is the new player onboarding?
Currently it is ok and the devs seem to be constantly improving on it - the game has over 11 years of content so it can be very overwhelming for a new player.

I'd start with Excalibur as the starting frame as he is a good all-rounder and progress through the main quests and see how you get on.
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