Warhammer 40k book recommendations

Still currently reading A thousand sons then i got to read another 2 books after that before reaching Prosperus Burns. I noticed theres a book called Battle of the Fang that seems to be a follow on to the space wolves and magnus the red story is it worth reading after Prosperus Burns?
Still currently reading A thousand sons then i got to read another 2 books after that before reaching Prosperus Burns. I noticed theres a book called Battle of the Fang that seems to be a follow on to the space wolves and magnus the red story is it worth reading after Prosperus Burns?

anyone :)
It's not in the same series, it's set much later in time but it does follow the Space Wolves.

It's part of a series of books that describe important battles in certain chapter's histories.
Thousand Sons & Prospero Burns sets the tone for the hatred between the two chapters and Battle of the Fang is set about 10,000 after HH.

Not read it myself yet but it's on my purchase list but then again so are aload of other books in the Black Library range!

Currently reading through the 1st Space Wolves omnibus by William King involving Ragnar Blackmane and I have to say it's excellent stuff.
Thousand Sons & Prospero Burns sets the tone for the hatred between the two chapters and Battle of the Fang is set about 10,000 after HH.

Not read it myself yet but it's on my purchase list but then again so are aload of other books in the Black Library range!

Currently reading through the 1st Space Wolves omnibus by William King involving Ragnar Blackmane and I have to say it's excellent stuff.

1000 years, you were close :p

I've bought it, along with a couple of others in that series (Hellreach, Hunt for...somebody) Just haven't had time to read them yet, still got the Blood Angels omnibus to read as well.
1000 years, you were close :p

I've bought it, along with a couple of others in that series (Hellreach, Hunt for...somebody) Just haven't had time to read them yet, still got the Blood Angels omnibus to read as well.

Meh what's a few thousands years when we're talking about the 40k universe :D

I've also got the Blood Angels omnibus but not started that yet and I also really want Helsreach as it's meant to be the best of the Space Marine battle novels.
So hows my list looking now:
Eisenhorn *Read before Ravenor*
Gaunts Ghost
The Ultramarines Ominibus
Space Wolf Ominubus
Blood Angels omnibuses
Soul Hunter
Battle of the Fang
Grey Knights Omnibus
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Has anyone bought the first rare HH book the one about the salamanders i think. They only made like 3000 copies, did anyone here bother getting it, i wish i knew about.
They are bringing out another HH book thats only gonna be 3000 copies which is meant to be due soon, but its like £30.
Finished reading A Thousand Sons last night, what a really good book, i really want to know what happens next with them. It really has been left with a bit of a climax.
Next one is Nemesis which sounds pretty interesting on the back cover.
Only a few more weeks till the new Gaunts Ghost book is out. Really looking forward to it as these and the HH books are the best published from BL imo.

I really hope this book turns the series round because the last 3 books have been so poor I have obly read them because I have read every other book up to date.

Want to see a big sweeping story again not the garbage little tiny set piece storylines they have recently released.

Totally agree Shami.

Side tracking slightly but has anyone read many of the Warhammer books? I've only read the first Gotrek & Felix omnibus (BL do like an omnibus!!) and really enjoyed it but not read anything else in that world.

I've read every gotten nd Felix book. They are fun but not particularly good books (if that makes sense) they are pretty standard hack and slash, win no matter what the odds. The most compelling characters are the extras who you know can actually die.

I obly read them because I have since I was a kid and I really, really want to know how Gotrek will eventually kop it, though after a Bloodthirster, Dragon, Vampire Lord and god knows what else I cannot imagine what will eventually kill him and not be a let down :p

So yeah, read them, they are fun but dobt expect intricate storylines and all the rest :D

On another note the limited edition HH book sounds tempting!
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