Warhammer 40k book recommendations

can recommend the night lords (soon to be) trilogy by dembski-bowden. currently only soul hunter and blood reaver out but really enjoying it. interesting view of a chapter that often gets overlooked and one that isnt all powerful but struggling to survive with limited resources.
apparently the 3rd book is 3/4ths finished so hopefully it appears soon :) after blood reaver i have the grey knights omnibus sat next to me due to recommendation of this thread, not really a chapter that interests me but im hoping for some good writing from ben counter.

I was sure it said pre-order. Will need to check!

Not that I like quoting myself but you couldn't pre-order the book. You could get an email reminder to let you know it was on sale.

It came on sale at 6pm, mother got the email reminder was online to order by 6.05 and it was sold out :rolleyes: got a call 2 minutes later lol :rolleyes:

I will bet a large amount of money that of the 3 thousand they are selling a good few hundred if not more will be straight on the bay at more than double the price! Stupid situation!

Rumours they will eventually print them normally so will have to wait.

On another topic I have heard rumours but seen no confirmation, does anyone know if they Garro Horus Heresy Audio books will be published in print? Really like that character and will be disapointed if I never get to know his story (I hate audio books so won't listen to them)
Se said it said "sold out" and wouldn't let any orders. If they re-opened it later that's even worse.

What's the difference between gold and silver?

golds has some illustrations in the centre, a slightly different slip cover and hand numbered by the author.

And yes that's exactly what happened, their website is useless.
I totally forgot about the 6pm start time, so I plodded along at around 11ish with no hope, only to find they still had BOTH for sale. I bought the silver version, couldn't be bothered with 30 quid really.
I want to know why the Black Library believe that £12 is a reasonable price for the e-book of Salvations Reach (surely profit margin would be significant if it was £7 and its $11.99 too). I can't see why an e-book should cost more than a paperback.

In all honesty it's not likely your going to display you're BL collection with the exception of Collectors editions. Thee black library should release first in paperback and have special hardback/ Collectors editions on the website and in GW stores.
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Just finished reading Aurelian. Has anyone else read it yet?

*****possible spoiler*****

I thought it was a little vague in places. Just as it really got going and you think that you're going to get some juicy information, it just stops.
I really struggled to follow the final chapter too.

Even through the negatives I did enjoy the book (I got the silver version) I still thing £20 is massively overpriced for what it is.
I know it's not book related but I tried to teach my wife how to play Space Hulk on the weekend. She couldn't get round why my 5 termies kept killing her stealers and then started to play defensive with the stealers :rolleyes:

Couldn't get through that theres only 5 termies and like a 100 stealers. Its not like they can't afford to loose a few is it??

Next time round I'm going to be the stealers and we'll see what happens. If there is a next time, she didn't really get into it that much :)
I liked Outcast Dead, cool idea although it felt more like a standalone novel set in the Horus Heresy time than one which gave any significant insights or progressed the story more. But then perhaps that's to be expected when it's not a 'featured Chapter' book so to speak.

Also read Salvation's Reach, I dunno if it's just because the Heresy books are so much more awesome but it's feeling pretty tired now and nowhere near as good as the earlier books in the series, feels a bit like Abnett doesn't really know how to finish the series or that he is being asked to write half a dozen 'filler' novels before concluding the series in what I'm sure will be a great book.
Well its been a while lets see, ive finished reading Nemesis and really liked it with the assassins and murders etc.
I also bought myself a kindle and bought the next book the first heretic with it. I finished it about two nights ago. At first i wasnt looking forward to reading it as it was about the word bearers. Which before this book they sounded a bit boring and not much was said about them.
But i was wrong, the first heretic is one of my fav in the series and i think the word bearers are my second fav chapter. My first fav chapter is the space wolves, which im makes me happy as i just started reading Prospero Burns.

Anyway whats everyone else reading atm?:)
Anyone read Salvation Reach?


The annoying logic fail that seeing Guard bodies and being attacked by Space Marines is hardly indicative of a Blood Pact attack is bad enough but the general book was ****.

Abnett is a good author at what he does which is basic hack n slash with very good prose and some good (but basic) space opera on the side so you are a lot more invested in the characters. I really bought into this and I loved the series!

Ever since (and including Traitor General) Abnett has seemed to reach the conclusion that he is the best character author ever (he isn't) and that we all want books that are essentially Eastenders in space (we don't)

All his books are now 3/4 "scene setting" and "space opera" telling the story about how random X guardsman (though he has now decided they are lasmen wtf?!) loves someone or is troubled or whatever. For all that I like Abnett he is such a basic author at this level, it's painfully obvious his redemption/love/betrayal/heroism/loyalty stories which are trotted out every book. They are telegraphed so obviously a 5 year old could be writing it!

Salvation Reach was 315 pages, nothing actually happened until around 240 pages in :rolleyes: he then crams a books worth of combat into 70 pages and it's rushed, sub standard and painfully obvious what will happen as he has no time to tell a real story. That and he doesnt develop stories he spent 240 pages introducing!!! :mad: Gaunts kid? Blenners cowardice? Wilders dissatisfaction? Larkin struggling? The Suicide Kings? And good fething lord if someone didn't see the Etougar "twist" coming you are dense!!

He has done this in almost all his recent books and I would have given up long ago but I just want to see how the characters get on. Abnett either needs to let someone else finish the series as he seems sick of it or get back to telling stories the way he does best. I doubt he will do either :(

Thankfully on the inner cover this part of the series is called "Victory" leads me to hope he will finish the series in a book or 2 and not completely ruin the Ghosts legacy. A fantastic series is now poor at best.

Give up the ghost(s) now Abnett you have literally lost the plot.

1/5 for this book and that's generous!
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