Warhammer 40k book recommendations

Is it the legacy (i.e. in the normal persons world a real paperback) or is it a rip off hardback/super paperback thing GW are trying to force down our throats?

It's the small 'legacy edition'

I ordered from the rain forest, you can check its the correct version by checking the product dimensions, as the legacy editions are obviously smaller than the other two versions.
Ah cheers :)

Better be good after this wait! :p:D

Well I'm around halfway through it and so far it isn't bad.

One thing I've noticed as the series has gone on, is how the interaction between Primarch/their legion has changed.

In the early books it was very obvious that the Primarchs were light years ahead of their legions in every way, and were treated as such. Now it seems any ,legion can get away with cracking jokes etc with their Primarch. I'm not sure ifi like it.
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So this past month I have read Deathwatch and A Thousand Sons. Both are excellent books.

I went into Deathwatch knowing very little about them other than a basic idea of what they do and the book gets everything across really well. The mix of chapters in talon squad and all the issues that causes i really enjoyed. Really looking forward to more especially since my favorite character didnt appear untill the last act.

A Thousand Sons has got me right back into the heresy series although after reading descent of angels and nemesis back to back anything would be an improvement. Thousand Sons were another legion I wasnt too familiar on but came across very different to how I was expecting. Never have been a Space Wolves fan and this dos nothing to change that opinion. Dont get me wrong I think for what they are its well written I just dont like what they are. Im a little bit aprehensive about prospero burns but since its Dan Abnett im sure a whole book on them will be fine.
Nearly finished the second book in the Eisenhorn trilogy and I have to say, its been a great read. I'll be going onto the Ravenor books after and then back to the HH series. Has anyone read the Mark of Calth yet?
Just finished reading Betrayer.

Oh. My. God. Possibly the best Warhammer 40k book I have ever read. Aaron Dembski-Bowden really is at the top of his game, and as much as I enjoyed First Heretic, this is even better. I literally could not put the book down, it was epic from cover to cover and literally oozed authentic atmosphere. The main characters and Primarchs were perfectly portrayed, I literally cannot find a single thing to criticize about it.

Just had Lords of Mars and Iron Guard delivered this week but im really falling behind. About halfway through First Heretic now though. Ill jump out of the heresy after this book and read The Death of Integrity since its the next Forbidden Lore on the independent Characters
It's scary how much I love the 40k universe, probably (easily even) my favourite science fiction setting ever now... and I say that as a long-time Star Wars fan.
I agree, there's no sci-fi setting better than the 40k universe. Its so dark and gritty. I can't see myself reading any other books for the foreseeable future than the HH and 40k books. Finally finished Eisenhorn which was engrossing and highly enjoyable and now I've started Ravenor. I've only read the first few chapters but the dialogue between Ravenor and his agents has had me in stitches. Its a shame Abnett's latest books in the HH series have been relatively poor in contrast.

I see that they're finally releasing a book based on the White scars. About bloody time! Written by Chris Wraight, I've never read anything written by him before, any good?
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Bought Dan Abnett's The Founding the other day. I believe it is 3 stories in a series rolled into one. First 40k stuff that I have read, really enjoying it so far!
Ok guys, I have now finished all the HH books and am looking for new material.

Books I've read:

-HH series
-Gaunts Ghosts
-Eisenhorn / Ravenor
-Ultramarines Omnibus
-Grey Knights Omnibus

I am about to acquire the Ciaphas Cain series, as well as the Night Lords trilogy.

Any other must-reads? Quite interested in reading from the perspective of the other xenos too. :)
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Ok guys, I have now finished all the HH books and am looking for new material.

Books I've read:

-HH series
-Gaunts Ghosts
-Eisenhorn / Ravenor
-Ultramarines trilogy
-Grey Knights trilogy

I am about to acquire the Ciaphas Cain series, as well as the Night Lords trilogy.

Any other must-reads? Quite interested in reading from the perspective of the other xenos too. :)

EDIT - Holy moly... if you know how and where to search, someone has made a very organized private collection called "Black Library"... :eek:
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The Path of... Eldar and Dark Eldar books are good. Soul Drinkers omnibus is good. Salamanders and Grey Knights series are both ok.

And yes I know which collection you're talking about :D
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