Warhammer 40k: Space Marine

Every single instance I have seen of a storm bolter for marines is one handed see http://i19.ebayimg.com/04/i/000/f6/c2/df5b_1.JPG
EDIT: Some better pics here http://www.nugaming.co.uk/html/s_m_hqs.html#Captain

I agree Standard issue are for terminators, as I said before its rare for none terminators to use them. But every so often you get a none terminator marine with a stormbolter. The only reason all marines don't use them is because they are rare and costly to maintain.

http://www.nugaming.co.uk/html/sisters_troops.html Sister of battle with stormbolter
http://www.coolminiornot.com/pics/pics7/img41320f919783c.jpg Sister of battle with stormbolter

Although the Sisters of battle use them two handed while marines use them one handed. It does show stormbolters are not terminators only weapons and it's not the weight that stops them being used.
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Hmm interesting i'd not seen them used one-handed on marines, and the wiki's say they're two. Heh even though I don't play 40k and enver have... I love the fluff. It's compelling stuff. :)
Yeah it does have good fluff, although I dont play anymore I like to keep tract of the fluff, its that good. Its the Tau I like the most.
The weapon is definitely a bolter, fired 'true grit' style.

I agree that it seems to be rather underpowered and quick firing, plus he doesn't seem to need to reload, which is strange. The bolter needs to be more like the Dawn of War introduction.
Bah, i'd assumed it was a bolt pistol.. it should be a bolt pistol.

If the game is going to be a solo affair its going to need waves of enemies and friendlies fighting and me to be tearing it up in the enemy ranks because I am one of the lore characters for me to give it much interest. You do not get typical marines fighting individually like that, so Im hoping there is a bit more to the character.

Im liking some of the mechanics though, and as long as there is enough variation its got a decent basis.
This looks terrible. Why can't they make a mind blowing 40k game with huge epic battles. Not a run and gun gears of war rip off.

How can it be a Gears of War rip off?

The only resemblance i can see is the that the camera angles look similar. Entirely differant lore which is older than the GoW history, If anything Gears of war took space marines as a template using the unreal engine.

Looks pretty good to me, but its pre alpha footage so who knows what extra's will be added.
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Yeah it does have good fluff, although I dont play anymore I like to keep tract of the fluff, its that good. Its the Tau I like the most.

your keeping track of the fluff' is way off then, yes, most of the art work shows bolters as little more than ARs, but the actual canon has them as i've said, and space marines are more than capable of wielding them one handed. i've been involved in the hobby in one way or another for 8 or so years and currently work for GW, my fluff knowledge is pretty good :)

the way it is portrayed in the alpha footage is wrong, you are wrong. good day! ;)
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Aren't Space Wolves really the only space marines that wield Bolters one handed with the true grit skill? Been a while since I gave up the table top game but Im pretty sure that was the case.
Aren't Space Wolves really the only space marines that wield Bolters one handed with the true grit skill? Been a while since I gave up the table top game but Im pretty sure that was the case.

grey knights and nurgle chaos marines do, it's all about game balance but most marines could fire single handedly :)
I'm keeping my eye on this.That video is removed but if it's the one i've seen then it's from the very first build of the game.You can't judge any game by the first build.
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