Warhammer 40k: Space Marine

I'm keeping my eye on this.That video is removed but if it's the one i've seen then it's from the very first build of the game.You can't judge any game by the first build.

The video you are referring to was apprarently a test build by another studio and is not related to the relic development.
Wow, this has been pulled up from the depths :)
I cant wait, looks good. Glad its squad based now, how else could a single space marine bash his way through that many chaos marines!
Im just hoping you can play as orks online, orks are my fav race, would be good to play as the marines vs orks, almost like how L4D plays, that would be awesome! Especialy if you got random spawned as a war boss ;)
I'm sorry but I've finally had enough of these games :(

The 40k Universe has opportunities for the most amazing, varied, deep games.

What have we got?

A third person space marine hack and slash.

The trailers are always the same, Dawn of War, this, zzz. Where the games fighting back the Tyranid? Where are the fleet battle games? The Inquisition could have an amazing free roaming game. Where are anything except "kill the heretic lol" space marine games?

Rant over :p
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The trailers are always the same, Dawn of War, this, zzz. Where the games fighting back the Tyranid?

1. Dawn of War is brilliant.
2. Tyranids? Dawn Of War 2 :p

I agree the license hasn't been used greatly but then what has? At least this one has got some good games unlike say the LOTR license which has been raped beyond all belief.
I'm waiting for the reboot of space hulk! That was an amazing game!

I think I will be getting this, I love the 40K universe!

I always thought GW table top games would transfer to turn based strategy or even RTS perfectly but they have never got it quite right.

Closest was actually final liberation, thats probably my favorite GW conversion, although I did like DOW a lot and Chaos League (Whilst not officially a GW game it was as close to blood bowl as you could get)
nd Chaos League (Whilst not officially a GW game it was as close to blood bowl as you could get)

Other than maybe the Blood Bowl game of course :p

I can't believe we haven't seen a Warhammer/40k Total War style game where you get to choose your army before hand with the same points system then actually play the battle (preferably turn based) I'm sure it would make an absolute killing.
Never really understood why they changed the gameplay of DOW into DOW2. They should have just introduced more units, higher army size and more armies to the game. Would have been an instant win.
Just watched the E3 trailer of this and it looks pretty cool actually, never thought about making a Hack and Slash game with the 40k universe. Hopefully you have the ability to play as the other races (Eldar please!) however the title suggests this wont be the case :(
Other than maybe the Blood Bowl game of course :p

I can't believe we haven't seen a Warhammer/40k Total War style game where you get to choose your army before hand with the same points system then actually play the battle (preferably turn based) I'm sure it would make an absolute killing.

I knew about the blood bowl game and it looks awesome but it's not out yet so I did not add it ;)

Final Liberation was pretty much exactly the game you describe.
You had points to build an army, you then went onto a turn based battle and fought your way to victory.

Great times
Always thought a battlefield style game would be cool in the 40k universe. Plenty of races for the armies, plenty of weapons for the classes and loads of vehicles.
I knew about the blood bowl game and it looks awesome but it's not out yet so I did not add it ;)

Final Liberation was pretty much exactly the game you describe.
You had points to build an army, you then went onto a turn based battle and fought your way to victory.

Great times

Blood Bowl has been out for a while :p

Final Liberation was ok...although it technically meets the points I just made, it didn't do it very well. I'm talking about a more pure conversion of the TT game.
Yeah :D

A Battlefield 2 style FPS would be insane as well, if it had all the armies in.

The problem being it would have the same problem that Dawn of War 2 is having, it wouldn't be 40k at all. You'd have to have unbalanced teams. For example a team of 10 space marines against 10 imperial guard? Rape-age.
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