Warhammer Total War Confirmed

Few things I noticed:

The distance you have to travel to some of the quests is mad. Such a long distance taking attrition the whole way (Vampire Counts). Then no doubt having to fight a battle at the end of it, vs probably a powerful army.

Huge garrisons seem common, usually means you are fighting 2 stacks when trying to take a settlement. And if you try and besiege them, and another army shows up, you are fighting 3 stacks.

Very difficult to expand with 1 army, as you leave your home area defenceless. Raising a 2nd army as VC would probably mean 0 or negative income.
Few things I noticed:

The distance you have to travel to some of the quests is mad. Such a long distance taking attrition the whole way (Vampire Counts). Then no doubt having to fight a battle at the end of it, vs probably a powerful army.

Huge garrisons seem common, usually means you are fighting 2 stacks when trying to take a settlement. And if you try and besiege them, and another army shows up, you are fighting 3 stacks.

Very difficult to expand with 1 army, as you leave your home area defenceless. Raising a 2nd army as VC would probably mean 0 or negative income.

Hasn't that balancing act always been the case in TW though? I have to admit, it does annoy me that AI controlled enemies seem to be able to expand more quickly. I have been fighting as the dwarves and managed to build up three fairly big armies while maintaining a positive income, but then when I started to expand and encountered the green skins, they had some settlements defended by two full armies.

I think for balancing they need to remove the whole 'waaagh!' thing for the green skins that gives them a second full stack army if they are aggressive enough and get into enough battles, it makes them a bit OP in my opinion.
As mentioned above, my 2600k is getting destroyed by this game. Core 7 sits at 100% while the rest barely get used.

Also, vsync doesn't work so my UI is flickering all over the place.

I had to turn on adaptive vsync (in nvida it's in the nv control panel, 3d settings, adaptive vsync) that and a couple of alt+tabs sorted out the tearing on the UI. Had the issue with it not loading up properly first time. I forced it to exit, allowed the firewall popup and it's been fine since.

Put about... 10 hours in so far (working nights, I get a proper play tomorrow :p ) playing dwarfs. I like it so far. Had the issue with random warband running around stomping settlements, as the dwarfs, that first valley needs an army sat each end of it asap till you can go rampaging to the south and give the greenskins something to think about :D

Dwarf cannons are pretty fun, amusingly while they have impressive range, you need to give them space to fire so have to leave a gap. Useful bait for cavalry as it happens (just leave a nice funnel for em to run between then pause and close it as they enter :) ).

The races seem a LOT more... iconic/one sided than the more historically accurate TW games (e.g dwarves have nothing that moves faster than their little legs will run them) so you're semi pushed into quite narrow playstyles. The empire is the one to play for a fairly balanced force you'd know from other TW games (with infantry/cavalry/ranged/artillery type forces). 4 units of dwarf cannon sat on a hill rather sorts out their lack of mobility though :D

Ironbreakers have a fire-grenade type attack that I don't see mentioned in any of their descriptive stuff. It properly wrecks pretty much everything that's tried to charge them so far :)
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Hasn't that balancing act always been the case in TW though? I have to admit, it does annoy me that AI controlled enemies seem to be able to expand more quickly. I have been fighting as the dwarves and managed to build up three fairly big armies while maintaining a positive income, but then when I started to expand and encountered the green skins, they had some settlements defended by two full armies.

I think for balancing they need to remove the whole 'waaagh!' thing for the green skins that gives them a second full stack army if they are aggressive enough and get into enough battles, it makes them a bit OP in my opinion.

Not encountered a waagh in the field yet. Saw one but the stack that spawned it lost some "flightiness" and the waagh disappeared. Playing aggressive as the dwarves seems to have done me good so far. I got one of the other dwarf clans to join me so sat on 3 full regions by about turn 100. For some reason I seem to have gotten the economic side of things much better than in previous TW games, only 2 full armies in the field (and one I inherited from my adopted clan that's probably going to become mostly slayer based as their hold is set up for them and will be played with appropriately suicidal tendencies :D ).

Also - the extra lords etc are _RELATIVELY_ cheap. You could throw a load of miners on a lord and it would look big. The early greenskin armies are mostly goblin spear/bow with the odd bunch of orcs thrown in.
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I have been having a blast with this so far, I'd say it was the best release of a Total War game since MW2 IMO.
I think it's a bit harder than previous games were on the same difficulty levels, either that or I'm a bit rusty (prob. the latter!).
Restarted my Dwarf campaign yesterday after learning some of the basics and it's going a lot better. Major issue I had was stopping the wandering Orc armies from plundering my settlements. Once I realised you can add walls to the settlement when they are level 3 it's going much smoother as they will more often than not just ignore you since they can't sack it.

Think I tried to take too much territory too quickly previously. This time I've gone slower and when I took some settlements I've made sure to stabalise it with income buildings, growth, recruits for dead soldiers, etc.

Fought one Waaaagh! which was a bit brutal. They turned up to my borders with like 4 to 5 stacks of 20/20 armies :p

I did have a question though... some units just seem like a direct upgrade to the previous one, like Dwarf Warriors seem a bit redundant compared to Longbeards, and Miners seem to be replaced by Blasting Charge Miners. The only benefit seems to be less income per turn for the weaker units. If income allows it is there any point using the inferior unit? Possibly as fodder? (although Dwarf units aren't exactly cheap).
I have started my first campaign as the Greenskins.....great game and runs perfectly for me so far....the fightiness mechanic is an interesting one, as if you not constantly getting into fights your army starts to die....so it's either expand quickly or loose your army...makes things tense.
I did have a question though... some units just seem like a direct upgrade to the previous one, like Dwarf Warriors seem a bit redundant compared to Longbeards, and Miners seem to be replaced by Blasting Charge Miners. The only benefit seems to be less income per turn for the weaker units. If income allows it is there any point using the inferior unit? Possibly as fodder? (although Dwarf units aren't exactly cheap).

That's been the way with most total wars. Having high tier unit only armies isn't viable from an economic standpoint. Need some cheap cannon fodder in there.
I may have been too hasty to be honest :). 2nd go as Vampire Counts going much better. Raid your entire way to get to far away objectives without taking attrition. Have a pretty strong economy now too, could probably support 4 armies. Also I started with Heinrich Kemmler as my lord, as it is much easier to get Manfred than it is to get Kemmler later in the game.
I'm so jealous of people who have this game :p

Had to sell my PC last year. There's no way my Surface is handling this. It only just copes with Rome 2 on minimum (which, to be fair, is kinda impressive for a tablet).

TW:W just looks amazeballs. For the first time since I think Medieval 2, Total War Centre isn't full of threads where people moan about the game (start-up issue aside).
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I had a quick blast this morning, everything worked fine. I started as Dwarfs for some reason, they were the last race I wanted to try, I think it was a case of saving the best till last.

I've been playing total war games since the beginning and I haven't been this excited about one for a long time. Can't wait to give it a good go tonight!
How are you guys handling enemy agents? I have about 3 Goblin War Bosses running around just annihilating my agents as their all level 18+ and mine are under level 10 :/ I had 3 agents surrounding one of theirs at one point and all 3 failed their assassinations only for one of them to outright die the next turn from the War Boss.
I generally have the cheap fodder units soak up the initial attack and have better units waiting on the flanks to rush in.

Zombies work great for this as a vampire lord.
Having a huge amount of fun with Vampire counts.

Got my heroes a few spells now, including raise dead. Can quickly surround enemy units by raising more zombies right behind them as they engage.
Having a huge amount of fun with Vampire counts.

Got my heroes a few spells now, including raise dead. Can quickly surround enemy units by raising more zombies right behind them as they engage.

Yeah same, I started as the Vampire counts. After conquering the local rival Vampire minor factions I made a peace treaty with the nearby Empire faction and started war with the Orcs in the mountain range south.

I've found out the hard way you cant occupy captured Dwarf/Orc towns now though which I was unaware of, which has interupted my expansion plans :(
Game is running super nice on the hardware in my sig.

Not had much of a chance for a decent play yet, but it's good from the little muck about I've had. I kinda stalled on Rome 2 and didn't really get into it (after loving Rome 1).

This has already grabbed me though and is really fun - do I dare try Chaos first....;) Particularly as I'm super rusty with RTS and TW!
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