I remember my ex was telling me once about how she'd analised the moon landing video in her film studies class, and the arguments were so weak, the best one was that there are no stars in the sky, i explained that was because they're millions of miles away and the optics on the camera wouldn't be focused on them, of course she didn't know a thing about how cameras worked and just reverted back to other flawed arguments. The only reason she believed it was because her teacher had told her, I don't think she'd even though about it before. Then again she was about as thick as two short planks in a short plank shortening factory.
Many things could be elaborate hoaxes though, that we can't say for sure unless we've been there and seen it for ourselves. Except that even then it could be a hoax, like that channel 4 program space cadets. I could come up with conspiracy theories for a huge amount of things.
For example, the iraq war, only a small amount of people have actualy been there to fight compared to the general population. What's to say it's not a huge hoax with some hidden political agenda? Unless you've been there first hand then you have to just believe what's in the media. It'd make more sense to have a hoax about that than going to the moon surely, certainly would cost less, and would require less people to be in on it.
<sarcasm> Of course, this whole debate is pointless as the hoax is this world is real, and we actualy live in the matrix, so nothing we percieve has actualy happened. </sarcasm>
Many things could be elaborate hoaxes though, that we can't say for sure unless we've been there and seen it for ourselves. Except that even then it could be a hoax, like that channel 4 program space cadets. I could come up with conspiracy theories for a huge amount of things.
For example, the iraq war, only a small amount of people have actualy been there to fight compared to the general population. What's to say it's not a huge hoax with some hidden political agenda? Unless you've been there first hand then you have to just believe what's in the media. It'd make more sense to have a hoax about that than going to the moon surely, certainly would cost less, and would require less people to be in on it.
<sarcasm> Of course, this whole debate is pointless as the hoax is this world is real, and we actualy live in the matrix, so nothing we percieve has actualy happened. </sarcasm>