What time of the day is this happening, curious as to how long the server has been up when you notice the lag?
The trading thing maybe happens when the server has been up for 4-5 hours I suppose. I've never really thought about looking although next time it happens I will note the time. I doesn't happen as often as I perhaps made it out to though, sorry. Maybe once or twice in every play session, and my play sessions could last for 6-8 hours.
Getting ran over by cars though seems to happen all the time for me, even when I'm missing the car by feet on my screen. If someone is trying to run me over I'm basically screwed as a result of it, whatever 'it' is.
I do love the server and really appreciate you guys putting the time, money and effort into keeping it up and running smoothly. The only real reason I play on the server is because of how smooth and un-laggy it is in comparison to almost all others. The only server I've found that measures up relatively well compared to yours in terms of smoothness is the Gaelords server, and the people that play on it aren't nearly as talkative and fun.