Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details


Never had time this morning to upload fixed mission file...

Will do it as soon as I get home from work..

Mobile hq spawn is 90% finished... I'm thinking of making it only reachable if you have a beacon placed..
You will need to find it first. Refuel it before it will be able to be spawned at..

If it gets destroyed, then.it will take roughly half an.hour to respawn.
Going to see if I could quickly implement resoawn vehicle script into the heli armour spawn routine...

So if they go down they respawn.

Do me a favour then please.

Search the net for the vehicles in arma you want rearmed and lust the weapon type and magazine type here for me please.

I can add that into the ammo cach spawn routine rather quickly then.
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8 hours, 3 missions per hour roughly?

That will do me mate!

Changing the spawn thing slightly!!

Hopefully you will like it when you wee it!

He is a plank....

I looked at rpt file this morning and danced when I saw no errors...

Hey mate.. I'll post video tonight when I get home of spawn system I am trying to get to work.. Very nice it is..
After investigating, it could be down to the beta patch that the server is running..

Seems to be causing freezing and lag in quite a few machines.. Will pop back to an earlier beta patch and see how it goes later on..
I have been trying to sort this issue out guys..

I am waiting back to hear from my provider, see what they say.. Concerning config of dedicated server!

If I am not happy I have another provider lined up who will do the same server with good specs for less! Based in Manchester!
Will keep it up to date in here as usual!
Been pretty quiet past couple of nights!!!


Update on progress..

Which will be final release by myself, unless I can fix the stuttering effect!

When you spawn, you are now told where you have spawned by the text bottom right, except on first spawn.. I did make it wait until my fnc_location was loaded in, but it was still buggy!

That is if you choose to have a random spawn!

You may also choose to spawn at one of the major cities, randomly up to 300 mtrs away from the chosen spawn point!

Which will stop any camping of the random spawn points!

Only thing I have to do before I release is to have a black screen, so you don't see yourself in debug land before you are moved to the chosen spawn position..

Easiest thing turns out to be the hardest :)
Quickly popped on this morning...

Missions stopped working after 5 or 6 in 4 hours, Scotty said.

Also, independants can't get in vehicle's together :(

Nothing I can do about the indies guys, as far as I know!

I did see in the rpt file, that around 2.30am a mission bugged out, which is mission 6. The base mission..

Bugged out spawning the AI, it's an ARMA thing, could have been any mission as every mission has been spawned in many times now!
Could probably remove it from the cycle if it continues to carry on like that!

Or change the spawn thing to a base without AI, if that is what is causing the problem, which it seems it is!

So close to next release!

Thanks everyone! :)

I'm also sure I have tracked down the jumping time problem, it is time acceleration, which unbeknown to me is maybe built into the mission!! Mental!

Never heard of the command before within a mission, so asking tonic if he has added it!
Going well mate!!

Got rid of the time shift every two minutes... I have increased it to at minimum once every 30 minutes, the function that skiptime uses is for people joining while game in progress.. So at the very least some people might be half an hour time wise!!

Got the location in text working for spawns, so no need to look at map!

Cannot get the black screen working, so might just spawn people into a forest or debug land and then let them move to where they want to!
Everything is working mate!!

Really determined to not allow you to see where you are when choosing spawn locations!

Just sat through half an hour of game time, and it was still half an hour of game time on watch! :)
Stupid game!! :)

Respawn screen isn't fully functional on a dedicated server!

Hopefully will have it fixed for weekendish!

Everything else is as above though!
Nearly done coding the spawn chooser..

Should be finished tomorrow night, hopefully..

Will also add in a Respawn for the helicopters..
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