Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Ok guys..

I'll go through everything and remove ACR..

Might take me a while, and knowing me, I will probably miss stuff.. So you would need to keep an eye out for nay stuff left in or any kicks!

Respawn selection script completely rewritten and working properly now..

Uploading video just now!

Will script in heli respawn, possibly tonight, soon as complete I will upload version and then work on getting rid of ACR..

I have excluded every ACR vehicle I can find within the lists..

So hopefully no need for that from tomorrow..

I also added in the rpg7 to the gunshop. Tested it there, working fine!

So.. That is custom spawn working properly, vehicles respawning. NO ACR hopefully, rpg in the gunshop..

Anything else needed?
How about this for the amount of vehicles etc?

"Spawn System: Completed"
"Spawn System: Total Time to execute - 8 seconds"
"Spawn System: Total Vehicles 1247"
"Spawn System: Total Objects 3294"
"Spawn System: Total Boats 7"
Oh my god, there is stuff everywhere :)

Removed all the ACR stuff, removed the small tent and added MASH tents..

Need to work out how to use them as a medical centre now!


One part is now named Jurassic.. Can you find it ;)

If anyone joins and cant find the mission, its at 079070... Tank!
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Just checked out the 404 server..

Man that is like two versions ago, without the working spawn routines!

Pity they wont get the new version as I did a samatra and split up the files :)
Spoke to Deadbeat!!

We swapped ideas and some scripts.. Now he has my respawn scripts, and I have his main and side mission files!
Ill look at the mission files and see if he has left anything out!

Just jad a quick look..

Slightly different from my ones.. Will change them a bit, good thing is no need for a new mission file as the side missons are stored in the @MarkeR mod now!
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Server running sweet as!

Missions, spawns, battles, heli fights!

Good game tonight guys!!

Nice one mate!!

Can you change it on the normal one as well please in the webspace!


Looks cool!

Be on in a bit, and try and get the server going..

Middle of writing a UAV rescue the evidence mission!


Put this link in your profile at the bottom

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So tonight has made up my mind!

Last month for the server.. Goes down on the 27th of this month!

I think I have given my fair share over the past 8 months?

No pint me paying £50 a month if no one is playing on it!
I'm not going to pay for another month guys!!

Like I said above, I have contributed loads in the past 8 months or so! I'm not complaining about doing that, my choice!

If someone wants to pay at the end of this month,, then that is up to them, I will gladly hand over the login details!

I am continuing to write more missions, if it doesn't get added then I will pass them out to deadbeat and others who want them!
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