Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

Some kind of L85 in the gun store and i'll be happy :)

I like the sound of that, after using it for 6 years if it's in a game I have to use it!

Would I ever be so mean to someone who has battled like mad to get the plane mission, then send in some random enemy patrol to take them out!!

I'm nice ;)

Just seen this. I can just imagine someone getting the jet, giving it some Barry Big Balls over global chat and a couple of Flankers or something come and tear him a new one!

Remove all thermal lets have some decent warfare. Would be good if there was no thermal vechs aswell... firefights based on perception. Its bad enough being shot at through trees due to render distance meaning tress arent fully rendered but with thermal its even more retarded :(

With you on this one mate. Take last night, if non-of us had thermal scopes that base attack/defend would have been a lot more fun!

What about taking the FGM-148 Javelin out of the gunstore and replacing it with the RPG. Javelin could be in ammo caches spawned in missions?

Also I'm thinking the default money amount at 1000 is too high. Weapons are cheap enough as it is!
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The M1A1 tank has thermal, I think thats what I was in last night. The T72 doesnt though.

The only thermal weapons in the game I've seen: L85 AWS, AS50 TWS, M249 AWS and there is something else with thermal but I forget what it is.. its an assault rifle, maybe an M8 variant. There maybe an M107 TWS aswell I can't remember.

I dont think the javelin is a problem, its having nothing to counter it thats the problem.. the lock on time and the fact that even a rabbit can interupt the lockon process is good enough but you never know who's got one until its too late so I'd agree with replacing it with an RPG.

Maybe half the amount of money you start with or just put it back to 100 and have a basic weapon on there you can buy, at least you're not unarmed and it makes the money caches worth going for. We do need a bigger selection of weapons on the gunshop though. As it stands, when I die I go right for an l85 aws as I know everyone else will have a thermal weapon.

At least then if they are all removed you can ban people who use them as they likely spawned them in ;)
Why don't I just remove the gun shops completely?

Surely there are enough weapons within the vehicles to satisfy everyone?

Also, remember we have weapons of a certain type spawning within buildings next update. This would maybe allow us to increase armoured vehicles again slightly.
I'm all for having therms removed, there's no real skill in using them when you just see a bright white shape and shoot at it.

I think gun stores should stay tbh, then you know there's a place you're guaranteed to get a weapon. And like some others have said, lower the starting money a tad as you can buy all but 1 of the weapons straight away :)
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I think the balance of armoured vehicles is good as it is tbh

I dont know about removing the gunshop, sometimes you can't find anything and its good to know where you can definetly get a weapon or ammo if you need it and can't find a cache. Eventually cars will be empty of weapons, I know they respawn but I've found a lot of empty cars as not all get destroyed. People go around and horde the weapons in one truck and sell them all, seen it a few times.

an LMG, assault rifle and sniper rifle would be good.. nothing over powered, maybe iron sighted lmg, cco rifle and an m24 / dmr type sniper rifle along with an expensive RPG, enough to buy the launcher and one rocket.. if you need more you can kill for it or work as a team.
How about I see if I can remove the weapon spawns from the vehicles and.place all weapon spawns inside the buildings.

It would make you all work a bit harder, plus I would reduce the money you spawn with to stop the instant buying.

Throw your ideas in guys. Good stuff so far.
I cant join now for some reason, went afk for 5 minutes, came back and was kicked for client not responding. Now I cant see the server, just a red cross with no name, no player numbers and no ping, try to join and people can see me trying to join but comes up connecting failed.

Iv'e tried putting the IP in remote and still doesnt show the server, restarted router 3 times and still no luck :(, was working fine until I was kicked by battleye. Any ideas?. I can join other servers no problem.

Note I was disconnected from the TS server at the same time so it's probably something my end...
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I cant join now for some reason, went afk for 5 minutes, came back and was kicked for client not responding. Now I cant see the server, just a red cross with no name, no player numbers and no ping, try to join and people can see me trying to join but comes up connecting failed.

Iv'e tried putting the IP in remote and still doesnt show the server, restarted router 3 times and still no luck :(, was working fine until I was kicked by battleye. Any ideas?. I can join other servers no problem.

Note I was disconnected from the TS server at the same time so it's probably something my end...

Nothing in the logs to suggest anything mate!

Infact there is nothing saying you are joining, so it isn't even getting to see your GUID before kicking!

I would try a BE re-install!
I'm going to add it into the basic.cfg and see if it over writes the command line..

Or if you want to do it tomorrow morning yourself, let me know.

Keep a coy of the file just incase.
We really need a jet mission, there was a cheater on the server earlier (banned now) and we heard a jet fly over, we carried on and called it out.. clearly displeased this lovely chap and he turned round and carpet bombed our convoy lol

At first I saw the explosions about 250-300m away and thought, lol noob.. totally missed.. and then in succession more explosions getting closer and closer.. so I pulled off but it was too late, the kill radius must be pretty big. Though my passenger survived.

The thing is, I wasnt even annoyed like I usually am, I was sat thinking.. man that was cool. Fair play to the guy, the bombing run was spot on and I think he carried it on through novy as when I got back there later on there was quite a few leveled buildings heh.

He'd spawned 4 jets at balota, looked like two a10s and I've no idea what the others were. Jason said to either destroy them or leave them. So I hopped in one, taxi'd it around and destroyed two with the front gun.. parked infront of an a10 and switched to what I thought was the front machine gun.. it had 1350ammo but must have been explosive rounds or even cluster bombs? I'll check tomorrow as I wouldnt mind having a fly round in the editor.. well I fired and killed myself and the other jet. I really wanted to take off and plough it into one of my team mates for the fun of it to get rid of it :(

Either way its made me really want a jet mission haha.
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