Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details

A couple of new additions to the server mission....

First of all, we have two new villages / towns.. I will let you find them for yourself.. Right now, they aren't the best design, it was a rush job to get them in.

Secondly, a new script for random heli spawns on mission start up, which there will be three of. They also re spawn in random positions x amount of time after they are destroyed..

Hopefully will generate more battle gameplay..
You cant customise a mod, bease if you do then you need to issue new keys, which would be different from the original keys. Therefore making it a new mod...


Cai, did you transfer from your PayPal account?

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Server is going down for 5 minutes or so for maintenance at 5pm...

After the reboot, you will need a minimum beta patch of

103419, although recommended beta patch is 103718 which is the latest..

Get the beta patches from here http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php or allow your steam install to update the beta patch and use that...

I recommend the use of ARMA II Launcher version which you can get from armaholic. Easy to launch mods with and launches your game with the beta patch activated.

I will also implement a new vehicle HUD, which is more functional than the one we have just now.

It is courteous to ask to use someone else's mission file especially if it hasn't been publicly released. The mission file may be sitting on the server, all it would have taken was a quick can we use your mission file that you guys have spent hours modifying?

The answer would have been yes, but always nice to be asked...
Couldn't sleep.

So finished off the new mission file.

New player vehicle hud. Show azimuth of turret weapon. WIP to show target name & icon for all players in vehicle.
AI at missions are back to civies.
Halo jumps are added to initial spawned helis and mission helis.
New special Admin only mission, will leave this as a surprise..

Server has minimum beta patch requirements now. Beta patch has to be at least 102591 or above, will see how this goes. If it affects player count, will remove!

Next build will include.
The two new towns created will be added to the server vars list, this will enable spawn for players and spawning in of vehicles.
Hopefully vehicle hud will include the vehicle tag/name.
Have a few other mission ideas/semi built. Will introduce hopefully at least two of them next build.
End game mission is 80% complete. Needs tested on MP.
Groups added for Blufor and Opfor....

Digital compass built into player hud.

Melbo, will need to give the admins co-ordinates to teleport to, so they can start the mission..

Will update mission at 5pm.
New mission file going on after 5pm.

Blu / Op groups.

Digital compass displayed below money on hud.

Admin missions.

Halo etc...

No beta patch rqd as per before today. Test today with minimum beta patch killed the server stone dead.
Killing time and looking through the code, I have managed to enable lifting vehicles with people inside the cars etc..

Will enable on next build.
Another small update for mission file at 5pm..

Player icons have been changed on the HUD & General Store, just a freshen up.

Forward roll has been added, press 2 to roll.

Removed LAV25 from APC mission, as it was too OP according to Jason...

Allow helis to lift vehicles with people inside. If I see people abusing this, it will be removed or the option to lift Mil vehicle will be removed.
Hi guys quick update.

Just a reminder there is now custom invite groups available to all factions now on our Wasteland server, inde, opfor and bluefor.

Smashed the target for donations last month so thanks again everyone and we have received lots of positive feedback regarding the mission file. So shout out to Melbo/Marker for their work on that.

Fresh donation appeal for month 16th May to 16th of June is up:


Also very good post from someone called "Pride" perhaps more regulars would like to contribute to the feedback he provided.

Feedback on server settings and game play

Just a bit of feedback from CAI's post...

I am no longer writing any part of the mission. My final build was emailed to Melbo last week, with the final bug fixes in place.

Melbo & now Jason are taking to do with the mission now...

Good luck with the servers...
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