Wasteland ARMA II Mos : Server Details


Server is going to be passworded for a few hours for testing.. It will go down, up, down up etc without notice


Ok server has been un-passworded!

No more civs, you are now Independent

Will add more player choices in later tonight, test it offline then upload if working!!

Still working on these stupid icons!

Changelog updated!
Just added a tank mission into the rotation mate!

Also, have a look at the change log and you will see most of it is implemented! Apart from the stupid icons, which I cannot get working!! Starting to annoy me actually!
Ok, the only reason i asked was because I tried to play on your server a few days ago but after a few mins i was kicked off the server, was told i needed ACR lite so went to download but it wont install (missing string error) possibly because I'm using arma 2 free, but i managed to join some random wasteland server the same night and I was on there a good 40 mins or so before I died and decided to call it a night.

Strange Mari

Was it a custom version of Wasteland, maybe they took out the ACR vehicles?

If you look at ethe change log on teh OP, you will see that I have already excluded a load of armoured vehicles!

Just not uploaded the mission file yet!
I know mate!!

Sorry about that!

Had a bit of an emergency at home, so couldn't upload the excluded mission file earlier!

Seems some like it though, think its the first time there has been a full house! Still mental though!
Can the helicopters that spawn in missions have full fuel but require some repairing before they are able to take off?

The icons above players head only shows on your team so you won't get able to see the enemy still.

Defo reduce amount of armored vehicles with weapons.

RPGs at the gun store to buy. Also IEDs.

3 warnings needed for shooting within gun shop the kick to lobby.

Ability to rotate objects while carrying them.

Might get a chance to play myself! :)

IED and RPG at shop no problem, done for next release!

Armoured vehicles reduced for this release!

3 warnings should be in place, will check why not!

Damage is random! I can set fuel to 0 again if needed! Just thought it is a prize than can be used straight away!

Third restart for vehicles!!


Now I know how Rocket feels when everyone is giving him grief :) LoL

Apologies to anyone who was on tonight!!

Had a bit of a mare with the new mission file!! Looks to be sorted now!
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Been there done that mate!!

There is something missing that wont be in the pbo file!!

In the mean time, I found a script that can display friendly tags even if it is on veteran etc!

Will see how that goes, but I will get these sodding icons working!!
Try and get the serverside files for the russkie!

Hunted for them for about 5 hours one day last week!!

I wont tell you what I even googled I was getting that frustrated at not finding them!

The script is serverside for the tags DG! Most scripts will have an effect client side as well!!

Give me a bit of credit mate :)
It only started when the armoured vehicles were introduced!

Second suggestion to remove it until fixed!

Done in next release!

Player tags work, name is displayed bottom right! Will see if I can increase distance to 200mtrs and change colour and location of name to top middle!
How does everyone feel about this for the name display for friendlies?

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