Made a wee video running on my 3950x and 3080, everything on full except no ray tracing 2 x reflections and textures one notch down, get 65-75fps around town, and 85 ish in buildings.
Looks really nice but the game is not particularly grabbing me so far.
Nice. Personally dislike this game loved
Loved watch dogs 1 it was gritty little rough around the edges but the story was OK. Side stuff was fun.
Watch dogs 2 was horrid hated the man character
Hated the whole social media aspect. Hated that everything was breaking the 4th wall like a bad dead pool movie
Watch dog legion
No story - don't care for it at all it's so far out their
Dont care for any character. They are all disposable even with perm death.
Side missions are not as fun as 1 or 2.
The whole npc mechanic means no good voice acting and terrible sync between look of a character and their voice. Had a white granny with a reggae accent... Or a politcan with cocky accent.
It breaks emmersion. Ubisoft are trying to hard to be "hip" with this series.
Be far better being a dark gritty series almost like a John wick/hitman vibe.
I'm bored of it already 8 hours in?.
Valhalla I'm really enjoying I think I'm 18 hours in?
Again story is meh but least its grounded I feel like a viking. I feel like Im part of the game invading countries.
Legion feels like I'm watching a bad b movie. Made by students