Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

Looks really good and the trailer had me giggling with excitement at few cool things.


Ubisoft. So we all know what that means:
- PC release delayed and delayed for funsies
- Stupid DRM

YAY UBISO.....oh wait.
I think this looks incredible. What were they demoing the game on? I cant believe a PS3/xbox can run that!
I think this looks incredible. What were they demoing the game on? I cant believe a PS3/xbox can run that!

I think they confirmed they were running it on PC.

That's what I thought. Neogaf are having orgasms over the video. Looks far too scripted to me.

The thing is if it isn't scripted then it is amazing. The NPC animations look so good!
It's the sheer amount of NPCs which give it a more life-like atmosphere that impress me the most and with everything else looking decent enough as well.

Surely there has to be a Times Square type area and then we can really see how well this game looks and crams so much stuff at once.

It certainly gives a clear indication of where the next generation of open world games could go in the level of detail if Watch Dogs is possible on the current technology.
Looks good but I'm wondering how much freedom the player had exactly in completing that mission. If instigating a car crash was just one of many ways to take out the guy, then I am very impressed.
Looks good but I'm wondering how much freedom the player had exactly in completing that mission. If instigating a car crash was just one of many ways to take out the guy, then I am very impressed.

Yeah I wonder what other options there are if you fail that like a retry or if there is a time limit to do that mission in another way.

Or it could become a Far Cry 2 scenario, the car loops around. :D

Ubisoft Montreal did make Far Cry 2 as well.
Watching this looks really nice but playing it i had my doubts about as there seems to be a lot of things to keep track of and do which to some might be nice but if i were to play this like gta which it looks like just with more spy gear then i might have trouble as id probs not do all the cool things and just run and gun and thats it. I wouldnt like to have to do this and that all the time to progress i.e spy stuff like disable mobile phones or do the traffic lights etc. Like i said it looks great to watch but to play, maybe too many things to do which might put me off which would be a shame as it looks freaking amazing.

Also it looks heavily scripted which can be a nice thing or a bad thing. For open world games i would say a bad thing.

I really can't believe you're moaning about things to do. That's the best thing about it - that it's actually trying to do something different.

The problem with PC games, in my opinion, is that they're nigh on always FPS or TPS (HL2 / Deus Ex / UT / Doom / Quake / Etc.) the list is nigh on endless. So when I see something that's differerent I look forward to it rather than be aprehensive that I may have to press a few buttons rather than running forward pressing one.

It does look really good kinda like a Blade Runner theme going through it as well.

Certainly one to watch.

The other interesting thing about this game was the multiplayer angle at the end of the demo from the ubisoft press conference, looks like it possibly has at least online co-op.

For anyone that hasn't seen it, at the end of the demo at the press conference instead of driving off in the vehicle the camera cuts back to another player watching the aftermath of the car crash from a rooftop who is shown being controlled by another guy on the stage.
When he's circling the white car and taking down the bad guys the attack moves were way too fast. There was no aim-time and it looked too easy. Looks like some kind of auto-aim/assist going on here which is a huge fail. No skill required. Shame as it looks pretty.

The demo was probably made just made to show off and usually about 90% of the time with onstage gameplay demo footage like this, the gamepad holding dude is never actually playing it. All part of the BS stage theatrics and why sometimes the gameplay looks a bit too perfect.
Looks good but I'm wondering how much freedom the player had exactly in completing that mission. If instigating a car crash was just one of many ways to take out the guy, then I am very impressed.

"Watch Dogs blends cutting-edge technologies and sophisticated game design into a realistic and living open world where players must use any means at their disposal to take down a corrupt system."

Any means sounds promising. And don't you just love those other two words. Open world..
I can't wait. :D
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