Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

I didn't buy the season pass so I'm still with a free game (new nvidia GFX card). I wouldn't be surprised if more and more companies put out embargos on reviews like Ubisoft have done here.
Why no reviews until the game is out to the public sounds its going to be a white elephant.

I think its something to do with making sure reviewers actually play the game and review the game properly. Same thing happened with Wolfenstien, and it turned out great.
Any reviews up? I'm still super skeptical and if it's a pile of turd, I will buy a 360 and get a GTA V again as I can't wait any longer for a decent open world game and I liked GTA V, even though it had terrible FPS drops (hopefully it's a little more polished with the updates).

The updates have been for the online aspect really. That said the PS3 version does perform slightly better.
Oh god it looks terrible. Just watched a stream of it. Literally has a QTE ending (with god awful writing/story), dead city/ghost town, 6 hours long, literally "ANONYMOOSE IS WATCHDOGS", hacking is just press X to win, or a bloody pipe-joining mini game, as well as a bunch of other problems. 60% off the game is collectibles to complete it fully, so story only counts for 40%.

Why would even preorder any game, never mind this specific one? It boggles my mind, you're putting your money down just so that you can get it on release, without knowing whether or not the actual game is good? Why not wait just literally a couple of hours so decide if the game is good enough for you.
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Just watched some of a stream. Same awful UI with intrusive pop-ups every 5 seconds. Why do Ubisoft always do this?!

The gameworld looks pretty good though. It is such a shame that Ubi create such awesome worlds then do everything they can to ruin the experience and break your immersion at every opportunity
It can't be leaked for consoles already, someone is lying! It's only PC gamers who are pirates, Ubisoft gods say so.

omg that's PS4? I thought I was watching PS3 :o that looks terrible.
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Urgh, so many mechanics from Assassins Creed. Bores me to death having to unlock areas of the map in repetitive ways, can't stand collectables either.
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