Watch Dogs - Ubisoft's Third Person Shooter

Urgh, so many mechanics from Assassins Creed.

It is just so predictable. They can't keep regurgitating the same game over and over for much longer!

Watching the stream, I have heard several references to their other games such as "this is like the xxxx from Splinter Cell", "this is basically like the eagle spots from Assassin's Creed" etc. Every time you see something to hack it looks the ****ing animus pops up!...Tiresome.

It is the constant pop-ups and object highlighting that really gets me though. It is so disappointing. I hope at least in this game you can turn them off.
So the usual Ubisoft copy-paste gameplay then?

100%. It was never going to be different to be fair. I posted about 6 months ago with predictions of what the gameplay would be and it is basically the same...same map as AC and Far Cry, QTEs, same intrusive UI, same stealth indicator, same basic crafting(the only thing I got wrong was I said you would have to skin animals, but that was really tongue-in-cheek). Do you have to climb towers to reveal the map does anyone know?

Also, is anyone else watching the stream?...the cars sound really poor to me, though it might be the stream I suppose.
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Not particularly impressed with the coverage so far. Graphics looks incredibly flat and vehicles appear to behave more like toys than heavy objects!

Can only hope to be proven wrong following the PC release.
Ive never seen an open world game with good vehicle physics unless it is made by Rockstar. I still laugh when playing GTA4 and you can deliberately roll your car in a handful of vehicles.

The WD ones just look like they float and move like go karts with no suspension, hmm reminds me of Grid too!
I'll probably still get this, I liked FC3 and I am on my second playthrough of ACIV (great game in my opinion) so Ubisoft are definitely doing something right for me - despite the pop-ups and various other gimmicks which can be annoying, they still make good quality games. Black Flag has excellent graphics and looks amazing maxed out at 1440p, hopefully Watch Dogs will live up to this - the Nvidia tech trailer suggests it could look pretty nice :)
I'll probably still get this, I liked FC3 and I am on my second playthrough of ACIV (great game in my opinion) so Ubisoft are definitely doing something right for me - despite the pop-ups and various other gimmicks which can be annoying, they still make good quality games. Black Flag has excellent graphics and looks amazing maxed out at 1440p, hopefully Watch Dogs will live up to this - the Nvidia tech trailer suggests it could look pretty nice :)

AC4 looked good on the Nvidia videos, Just a shame you need a handful of Titans to run it with the Physx effects enabled.

If this is using the same engine I'm not holding up much hope for the PC release tbh.
Watched about 5 minutes of that stream and gave up, it's AC with the same annoying crap thrown in.

The graphics look **** poor too even for the PS4.
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Looks like it could be fun. The graphics look **** though. Not a patch on that 2012 E3 trailer.

I guess we have the ridiculously underpowered new consoles to thank for that.....

I hope the PC version looks better.
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