Watercooled Case Gallery

Swapped out my XSPC X20 750 Pump for a XSPC D5 Vario. Really should have done this from the start. Its silent on level 2 where the X20 I could here a constant dull motor noise. Performance wise its maybe a few degree less on the temps. :)

I also Moved the graphics card into slot 1 and fitted the temp sensor into the spare port on the front rad. The D5 sensor wire plugged into spare temp sensor on the fan control and alarm to sound if it goes faulty.

Oh and learnt how to drain the loop. :)



Finished over the weekend

Fractal Define S with a full EK custom loop. 2x PE360 rads front and top.

More details of everything in my sig link.

Might redo the two pipes from the top rad, and yes there is a fan missing on the top rad, it was faulty.




Glad you like it, the pump noise has died down a bit also.

I'm going to stick some silicon washers on every screw around the pump and see if that helps also.
The LEDs look blue in the photo but everything is white it's just my bad camera.

Not finished yet, still need to braid the pump cables and do some general tidying.



With fans fully off it hovers around 45-50degrees, the case fans only run at around 700rpm so they are inaudible.

With the 9 radiator fans at 1100rpm the graphics card sits at 26degrees and the cpu cores vary between 27-29degrees. Those temps are from today which was quite warm. Not tried any gaming yet but I will over the weekend with the fans at 5V and 7V.
More maintenance - First attempt at hardline tubing which is awful in hot weather due to the heat gun being as hot as the sun.


(Plesse excuse the cables.)
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