Watercooled Desk - Build Log

Well, what can I say.

We have been on the desk all day today and unfortunately the radiator is leaking on the bottom weld!!!!

Gutted!!! Good news is no leaks were seen any where else.

Will get to work on the rest of the desk tomorrow and see about getting some pics upped.

Be patient my lovlies hahahaha
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Well, what can I say.

Been on the desk all day today and unfortunately the radiator is leaking on the bottom weld!!!!

Gutted!!! Good news is no leaks were seen any where else.

Will work on the rest of the desk tomorrow and see about getting some pics upped.

Be patient my lovlies hahahaha

hummmmmmmm hummmmmmmmmmmmmm hummmmmmmmmmmmmm hummmmmmmmmmm hummmmmmmmmmmm we're not listening to you until we see pics
Right then my lovlies.

We have been working hard on this desk all weekend and shes making very good progress.

Watercooling is in. Pc is a booting so thats the main thing!

Had a nightmare with the supplied radiator. Looked like it was pulled from the titanic and leaked as badly as it looked. Luckily the supplier sorted me out with a better one!

Leak testing has been completed. Wiring in mostly done, Just got more lighting to do (res lights, under desk lighting etc). Need an atx extension, mod the dvd drive and just general bling.

Glass is on order so should be complete by the weeks end.

So here are some pics (taken with my phone so appologies). Once the cabling is tidied up and the desk completed I will take some decent shots.




Some cabling still needs braiding. ATX power cable will run underneath and yes the mobo is a wonky as the tray is not fastened down yet. Dont forget this is not finished haha!


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Top will be tempered glass 12mm thick. So should look good:D

Cabling will also be squared away. Got a lot done over the past 2 days even with a full on water leak due to a faulty radiator
I am probably being a bit 'thick' here, but surely the keyboard is too recessed to use comfortably... or does it slide out, or something?
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