Watercooled Desk - Build Log

I am probably being a bit 'thick' here, but surely the keyboard is too recessed to use comfortably... or does it slide out, or something?

I think it's just there until the glass top arrives otherwise it would be bloomin difficult to type on it through the glass top :p
Fitted some under desk lighting.

Also incased the dvd drive in a custom enclosure. CNC machined out a bio hazzard logo for it also.

Picking glass top up in the morning along with the remaining cables to complete.




Just got to mount foam stripping around the top edge of the desk (glass will sit on it).
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Looking good!

do you think the tunnelling effect with the fans is going to work well? (could try a smoke test to see the flow)
Temps are good as is tbh.

Just picked the glass up so will be fitting that today. Wont be able to test for sure until the glass is up top.

I think it will be fine .
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