Watercooled Desk - Build Log

I agree tracer ram would look good and may be on the agenda.

The empty space was going to show off the ssd drives and may well end up that way down the line. At present the hdd / ssd's are tucked away in the back.

This project is still very much work in progress but at the moment it is in a functioning state and looking quite good.
Well my partner in crime did all the desk build wood work, covering etc etc and I was the watercool / IT guy lol.

Id say about 60 - 80 hours work or so to complete to where its at.

Like I said previously the desk will evolve and is a long shot off finished.

Cost wise around £700 for the watercooling, cabling, desk, glass, fans etc etc.

This does not include the cost of the pc itself of course.

My opo is planning a small air cooled build next which will be a fraction of this cost.
Oh we have just done a quick a realtemp test

looking at a cpu idle temp of around 26 degrees and a max temp while playing BF3 on max settings of 40 degrees.

Not bad initial temps tbh. I look forward to clocking and stressing the system to get some solid benches.
This is fantastic! I like the idea this has giving me a idea to do this myself.

Are you able to contact me via email to answer some questions about the desk, I don't want to clog up your thread with questions. lol
my email can be found on my profile.

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