Ways to make your boring office job fun #1. Blatent animal cruelty.

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Getting away from you was a good choice, i thought correctly she had the brains in the family

She doesn't live with me. She lives with her mum and dad.

Incidentally they chose Cornwall, not her. She's 5.

She is quite clever. I think she even knows the difference between communism and socialism.
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She doesn't live with me. She lives with her mum and dad.

Incidentally they chose Cornwall, not her. She's 5.

She is quite clever. I think she even knows the difference between communism and socialism.


'Why don't you ask you 5 year old neice? She seems to have a better handle on life then you have '

Isn't funny though. You should do funny insults, like:

'Whats blue and shags old grannies? Robgmun in his lucky blue jumper'.
I find taking the **** out of you way funnier, i'm not entertaining you, i'm entertaining me. And from what i have read in the past, you seem to some kind of fantasist, so the avarage 5 year old is clever then you

Following your logic, the average 5 year old is cleverer than a fantasist?

Tolkien must have been a right thicko!

1) You insult me
2) I kind of ignore it
3) You say 'you've got no sense of humour'
4) I say 'but it obviously wasn't funny, it was just an insult'
5) You say 'it wasn't meant to be funny to you, just to me'
6) I say 'er .. so it wasn't meant to be funny to me, and you say I have no sense of humour for not laughing at it? ? er ... ????'
7) You say 'hahaha you are silly and stupid'.

Well, guess thats me thoroughly outwitted again :\
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No your right, my effort is only passing, i mean i've why bother? Hardly anyone here takes you seriously

I'm not sure what the bit of the sentence that reads 'my effort is only passing' or 'I mean i've why bother' actually means (passing what?), but I think I get the idea .. and this post made me happy. Ok, laters alligators, don't worry, you're not the first and won't be the last - no big deal.
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Welcome to OCUK.

You just wait until 'Dolph' joins this thread! :)

There are about 6 regulars on this board which if you read ALL their threads, they just revel in disrailing threads and slagging off people (they never even start their own thread, they just derail others). Seriously, do a search on their posts and they are ALL 1 sentence, insulting what someone else has just said or slating things or just being nasty!

It's effectively 'their kick'. They, maybe liternally, get off on it! I reckon they are all under the age of 20, you can kind of tell by their mannerisms.

As I've said before, I think it's the anonymity of the internet that turns it into a bucket o'idiots!
Whilst browsing the forums I have somehow come across a primary school playground :(

Regardless of the validity of these claims it is an awesome idea, the OP is a must read!

what was the timescale of this battle?

About a month total I reckon. They spend surprisingly long on PHASE 1!
I'm disappointed my Dune joke got lost in all this juvenile stuff, I thought it was quite clever an'all. :(

I read and appeciated it :)

I was trying to think of a similar 'retaliatory' joke involving the film 'starship troopers' where the ants were the badguys - but couldn't quite peice anything together :)
I am genuinely usually not that suspicious when it comes to 'stories' on the internet but the above just doesn't add up, how on earth can you not know where you purchased the ant farms from?, you must have had a purchase/delivery confirmation email from the online company?, also the company name should show up on your debit/credit card statement that you used to purchase the ant farms with.

What was the second TV program you watched in the month of November, 2009? How on earth can you not know? :\ That just doesn't add up, I don't believe you have a telly!! :)

Last time you spent £8 online did you really keep the receipt after arrival of the items?

Well I don't bother ..
There is no way in a million years that you or anyone else could possibly convince me of ANY employer in this or any other country, that 100% categorically prevents you from taking any mobile phone or camera onto the premises, (and would fire you for doing so) yet allows you to make this much mess/chaos/distraction in the course of your 'work'.

Its a great idea, the real-life RTS got me chuckling, i'll admit that. But thats just it, its an idea.

Exactly as I've been saying from day #1.

Pictures don't matter. Credit card receipts don't matter. Videos don't matter. People will just say 'don't believe it' or 'fake'. 'Proof' is irrelevent.


Thanks ..

(I am also allowed to bring doughnuts into work but not cameras. Can you image? The stickiness, Pure madness eh?)

Anyway all this 'did he, didn't he', after 5 pages, has bored me so I may not respond to any more - sorry dudes - take it or leave it basically!
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I'm not allowed to take any camera's to work or take pictures, they don't go search people for phones with camera's of course, but I would be in trouble if I started taking pictures of our process at tnt and shared it with sandd, dhl, selectmail, ups, etc...

Haha quite ironically I work for DHL!!!!

So answer the guys question - would your boss allow you to set up 3 about 6 inch big ants nests at the back of your desk will some tubing between them (obviously all the 'they go if it affects work at all' type comments etc)? Would it be up to your boss to choose? Or do TNT have a coroprate rule against this?

If he doesn't let it happen (ask him!), honestly, I'm genuinly surprised. He sounds like a killjoy, you should take him out on the beers more and get on his good side!

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tempted to do this on our desks! would be so cool if we could get it going over more than one set of desks.
how big an area did you do this over?

Each farm is about 6 inches. The tubes are maybe a few foot. The ant farms are really thin! I mean amazingly thin! I think it's because otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the caverns ..
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This is, hands down, the best idea I've heard in a long time. I don't believe for a second that Britboy actually did it, but the concept itself is ****ing genius.

Thanks fella! It was very cool, and I am pleased with myself for thinking of doing it!

I think I'm going to risk all and bang out some photos this week (in reality shouldn't be too difficult just risky if seen), then watch as the apologies fly in (lol not! They'll just abandon the thread or scream 'FAKE'! but that's kiddies on t'net for you! At least everyone will know definitively the truth and my name will be cleared apart from Robgmun who will believe it is a lie whatever happens!)
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Remember an OCUK sign and some Hovis for validity purposes.

Yea I'm going to do photos I've kind of decided now. I will make it as indisputable as possible (will have OCUK forum on screen in background, not sure about hovis, but more stuff etc etc, as I'm definately not going through another 6 pages of 'those photos were fake'!

I don't know why - I know I should let it go, but gonna sneak the camera in and just do it just to see if anyone say 'uh - yup - sorry'. I'm not holding my breath!
Not got access to a scanner then? I'm sure the ants won't mind having their gravitational axis rotated 90° for a 20 seconds or so.

The ants are all presently deaded. I have access to a photocopier, but don't have any way of getting from that peice of paper that is produced, on to the computer!!

Also scanning an ants nest is something I'd rather not do during office hours just in case someone else comes up behind me and thinks WTF and then we're all in trouble!! The scanner is used by everyone, my desk is not!


Also their caverns look perilously close to collapsing but they're dead anyway so they shouldn't mind if this happens during the process!

You'll have your photos and scans soon enough though ..
What killed the winning ants off?

After much discussion about the winners, the winning ants won their 'freedom' by being released, very ceremoneously, into the work car-park. 'Running man' / 'battle royale' stylee!!!

The winner made a speech! It was all very beautiful .. (except we had to ruin their ant-farm caverns whilst getting the things out! :)
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