right..well there you go then. try pasting code then saving post in html mode, and then go back to post in visual mode. If it disappears you ain't done it right!
why don't you use the built in twentyeleven theme? Go to appearance>theme options choose dark colour scheme, and then change default layout to one column no sidebar???
Just use HTML?
Ok, I've put on the twenty eleven theme, and it looks ok at the moment but the width of the page is absurdly small, 690 pixels.
EDIT - Is it really necessary to use the visual editor? It's torturous, I move a picture and text goes flying over the place, can't get stuff to align properly. Reminds me of using the gui builder in the netbeans ide, every time I see mention of visual builders in programming user interfaces it seems there is universal condemnation of them in favour of hard coding.
That's what I planned to do originally, but then I have people telling me there's no need to code when there's wysiwyg. If it just comes down to personal preference then I'd rather stick with hard coding.
These people are not looking out for your best interests.I have people telling me there's no need to code when there's wysiwyg.