Website Visual Refresh (Report Bugs Here)

No offense intended but if you wanted to change the site then instead of polishing the turd why not just revert it back to the 2006-2015 design, you know back when you had the cleanest looking easiest to use IT site on the internet.

How many other online retailers are still using website designs from that era? You might want to use the Internet Wayback Machine to refresh your memory of that old site, it looks amateurish these days.
There must be a hell of a profit margin on those chairs... That or you have to ship X amount because on the mobile site they take up about 80% of the website.
How many other online retailers are still using website designs from that era?
HAHA, it didn't remain unchanged for 9 years, it was visually improved but the core design remained intact. Sort of how Windows has (aside from 8) had a menu launching start button on a task-bar the bottom of the screen since 1995 but Win95 and Win10 are not the same.

But you're point is quite funny as many customers who shopped with competitors actually switched to OCUK during that time-frame as their chosen suppliers "improved" their sites and drove people away.

The final version of the 06-15 OCUK site from November 2015 is arguably the best designed IT web-store ever made, anything that looks better simple cannot compete in the functionality department.

You might want to use the Internet Wayback Machine to refresh your memory of that old site, it looks amateurish these days.
I did to ensure that I got the dates right, the 06-15 site is significantly better than both this new one and the one it's replacing. It looked much much much cleaner, it was easier/simpler to navigate and the search function actually worked.

During the 06-15 time-frame OCUK was my first port of call for anything and everything IT related because I knew I could find it faster and easier than anywhere else, since the '16 site launched I avoid coming here for anything I know is going to take a long time to find compared to elsewhere.
As much as I loved the old old website, the rest of the internet would disagree, including Google. - We had to move forward in terms of website design, back-end development, and content. Unfortunately just sitting on what we had before with no progress would not have got us to where we are now. Don't get me wrong, I too miss the old website and I am sure a lot of others do too. However, I welcome this new design and it is great to hear so many similar comments too, much better than the last design in my opinion. :)
I just went onto the site to look for price of components for christmas and initially thought I'd stumbled across a new magazine website :confused: (the front page) there is so much information on one page.

I like the navigation, finding products seems pretty good.
The only thing is on mobile when you go to "PC Components > Graphics Cards" there is no way of clicking AMD / Nvidia even tho it looks like there should.
So if you want to look for a specific model of GPU I guess you have to type in the search bar?

At the top left below "PC Systems" there is a floating/overlapping menu option which reads "% DEALS" in bright red text.


5.3MB homepage size is quite large.
^^Agree with this

picky stuff:

On desktop the site looks better if you remove the 20px grey borders on the content wrapper

#wrapper {
    border-right: solid 20px #ebeaeb;
    border-left: solid 20px #ebeaeb;


As my post looks a bit picky/negative just want to say I like the graphics & visual style of sections on the front page.

The site looks more modern overall
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I would prefer it if the categories stuck to the top, so when scrolling still accessible to flick between sections and find products quicker.

Otherwise love the website guys, really wasn't keen on the first revamp you did 1-2yrs ago? Can't remember! But this one is much more refined, sleek, tidier and professional IMO.

I see the category text has already changed from grey to white, much easier to read!

Kudos. :)
A few things i have noticed:
1. When you go in and configure something everything seems to be right aligned to the point where things are being lost behind the side advert banners. When you have products with a long description it is hard to read or tell what each thing is.
2. The 'component text' is sitting in the middle of the drop down boxes making it awkward to read and it looks untidy. In some cases there is dark blue text on a black background which is also hard to read.
3. When you go to the basket there is no longer an option to remove singular items from the basket. If you have clicked on something by accident or want to change out a part the only way you can remove it is by completely emptying the basket and start again.
4. Basket menu again. There is no longer a visible promo code box (unless it is lost off the left side behind the banner) and the text for shipping/delivery is all muddled together. The text muddling is happening all over the site so it is a general issue (review stars for example)
The site is scrolling on left and right on my screen, however i'm behind the times with 3 x 19" wide screens and expect it's designed for larger displays.

Also the smaller fonts are two small. They are smaller then what Google and Facebook are defaulting to.

I really like the top drop down, it's very easy to navigate quickly to different sections of the site.
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Very image-heavy and pages very long. The amount of the page that is actually the content is overwhelmed by all the snazzy stuff.
Yeah, browsing products takes really lots of space with very little products fitting into screen at the same time.
Though filtering of manufacturer/price and sorting is good.

And then there's my old problem with fashion started by MS Metro for Kids:
Why the heck links can't have that standard underlining and buttons can't look like buttons.
Underlining and distinct colour was given for links so that they would be easy to distinguish from text and browsing would be clear and intuitive.
Similar when Windows and graphical GUIs appeared buttons were made to look like buttons, so that they're easy to distinguish instead of being similar in style to background graphics/text.
After browsing the site & scrolling down I noticed some stuff

The footer seems to be a page itself on 1080p
Sections/Pages like AMD Graphics/Intel CPU have 3 pages of text below the items listed
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Couple of points that i've noticed:

The delay on the mega menu appearing, although slight, is pretty annoying. Seems this is being done with a bit of JS? Causes issues during page load (which doesn't seem particularly fast), where the menu won't display until the page has finished loading.
The hover effect over menu items causes a blurring effect which again, is annoying. Probably the colour contrast, or my eyes being duff.
Page weight is a bit on the high side, not too bad on desktop browsers but people browsing on mobile might see poor performance (I haven't looked at the site on mobile, not sure if some images are removed etc to help with this).
The site isn't user friendly for keyboard users, no visual queues for focus as a basic example.


Livechat seems to have a badly positioned white border when minimised?

This is on Safari, no idea if it's intentional behaviour of browser specific.

Looks good though :)
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No offense intended but if you wanted to change the site then instead of polishing the turd why not just revert it back to the 2006-2015 design, you know back when you had the cleanest looking easiest to use IT site on the internet.

I appreciate there are probably back-end benefits to the new site, but from a customer ease of use perspective the original pre-2016 layout is still the benchmark. Go back and take a look if you don't believe me, I just did and it's so much quicker to get where you want to be, without hovering over popup menus, scrolling down or wading through loads of clutter.

I appreciate there are probably back-end benefits to the new site, but from a customer ease of use perspective the original pre-2016 layout is still the benchmark. Go back and take a look if you don't believe me, I just did and it's so much quicker to get where you want to be, without hovering over popup menus, scrolling down or wading through loads of clutter.

999 posts, come on...1 more for the thousand :D
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