Weekly Playstation Store Update thread

UK/EU Update 14/02/08:
rp2000 said:
Riff:Everyday Shooter (£4.99)

Guitar Hero III Classic Rock Track Pack ("Peace of Mind"+"Jukebox Hero"+"Any Way you Want") (£3.99)

Everybody's Golf Demo - 615MB (Free)

Game Trailers
Conflict Denied Op's Trailers (Free)

Wallpapers & Themes
Resident Evil 5 Wallpaper (Free)
Super Stardust HD Theme (Free)

Movie Trailers
Spiderwick Chronicles SD Trailer (Free)

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Everybody's Golf, is that the PS3's Everybody's Golf 5 or a PSP game?

I was just wondering that.

Is this essentially the same Everybody's Golf demo that I downloaded from the Japanese Store last April?

That took a while to make its way over, if so ;)

Has downloading all but ground to a halt for anyone else on PSN? I set Everyday Shooter and Pixeljunk Monsters downloading at 4pm... Both are at less than 20%. Download speeds are fine from my PC and my Mac.
I was just wondering that.

Is this essentially the same Everybody's Golf demo that I downloaded from the Japanese Store last April?

That took a while to make its way over, if so ;)


It did, and from what I've read they have completely re-done the online side of the game.

I imported the Asian version last year but never tried it online. Single player I really enjoyed it and may well purchase it again when it arrives here :)
Has downloading all but ground to a halt for anyone else on PSN? I set Everyday Shooter and Pixeljunk Monsters downloading at 4pm... Both are at less than 20%. Download speeds are fine from my PC and my Mac.
Yeah mine is DLing at 56k speeds, ah well, may as well have a blast on SSD HD while I wait!
i like Everyday Shooter, fun little game

I got it from USA store ages ago (It was just called Everyday Shooter, whereas this one is called Riff:Everyday Shooter).

Mine has no high score tables etc in it, can you check if the UK one does?

I got it from USA store ages ago (It was just called Everyday Shooter, whereas this one is called Riff:Everyday Shooter).

Mine has no high score tables etc in it, can you check if the UK one does?


There was an interview a while ago which lists reasons why an online leaderboard wasn't included. Bit of a shame really, but I can understand the reasoning, even if it is only applicable to a minority (my guess).

source: http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6181581.html

interview said:
GS: Why no online leaderboards?

JM: There are two reasons. I was sort of uncomfortable with leaderboards. I looked at leaderboards for other games and I noticed all these weird names, sometimes offensive names, and I thought that was like the bad kind of graffiti. I like graffiti, but sometimes there are very offensive ones. I thought it would give a wrong impression of the game and move it away from what it was trying to be.

I also didn't want people to use the game as a way to be superior to someone, like, "I'm number one in Everyday Shooter so ***** you all!" That's not really the point of the game here. Though I have to admit [that] when you do play the game for score, that's fun. It opens up all these strategies, and that's why I included my high scores. I also included them to show that there's a lot to the game, that there is a way to score 1,000 points on the first level.

Also, when I was working on Everyday Shooter, before I was finished, I was already burnt out. This has been an ongoing battle to make a game that I like since '97. I was burnt out from working on the job and also doing the game. After signing on with Sony, it felt like I was finishing the game twice. I went through the process on the PC, and then doing it again on PlayStation 3. My energy level was fairly low. I can't justify why it took three months to port it. I look back and wonder what the hell I was doing.
Is it any good though? Up to SSHD standard?

It's a lot different from SSHD, and is fun to play. I think it lacks some of the polish that SSHD has, such as an online leaderboard. Everyday Shooter could probably benefit from being able to change the music a bit too, as it's not all to my taste and feels a bit repetitive at times.

It's a good fun game, but I'd feel it was more value for money at £3.49 rather than £4.99, particularly due to lack of online which would have added a lot more to the community feel of the game.

Check out some vids on youtube if you like :) It's different to most of the top down / 2d shooters I've played, and nice to have some more diversity in the psn line up - probably fits in the same category as Rez for alternative shooter games (like a 2d distant cousin to Rez in fact). I would probably rate Everyday Shooter a good 10 - 15% below SSHD (which I would be inclined to give 90-95% for all the fun I've got out of it so far, but then other people would give it less I suspect, and Everyday Shooter more).

edit: reading Inoshishi's post below (rather than create another post just to agree), I do think it was over-hyped a fair bit, probably down to how different it is to most other games available on the psn & ps3 generally and also the long delay it's had in coming to the uk.
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