Weird situation - about a girl thread

Holy thread revival batman! :eek:

Well, I thought I'd let you know, I went out with her tonight and it was a disaster! To cut a long story short, she ended up back at hers with another guy, and I ended up at one of her mate's houses with her mate. Just got back in, and apart from the fact the "date" went crap, I actually had a really good time. Maybe just the booze, but I doubt it. Maybe we just didn't 'click' out tonight. Well, I don't know what's happening with her, but I'm now meeting her friend tomorrow for lunch, and then a film in the evening.

A rather bizarre turn of events... :o
helpimcrap said:
what i want to know is... 2 people went on the date.... and they both ended up going off with other people!? how?? pleasseeee tell lol. :)

Hmmm... I'm kind of hungover... and as soon as I remember I'll be sure to let you know ;)

Thing is we went out 'together' (me and the original girl), but were with a large group of people as it was someone's birthday. Then something or other, and all I remember after about the 12th drink (buy 1 get 2 free! It's ASKING for trouble! :o) is from the point of being sat on the bus. With different people.

:( :confused:
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