Weird Things Your Neighbours Do

My neighbour, the one who belly laughs at his neighbour, buys us a bottle of whisky every month since 1983.
It's a thank you for 'Looking after his house' while he goes to his caravan once a month for the weekend.
We don't like whisky and always give it away and we're too nice to ask for something else :)

That‘s a good neighbour to have!
Ours every week don't bring the bin in after it is emptied.

yet will struggle past the bin to get into thier car. what was funny, when we had that really bad wind storm the bin was again out. It blew into thier car and made a right dent, they got out the house looked at it, stood the bin back up (Didn't put it away??) then it did it again an hour later this time on the back door.

I do wonder what goes through their mind when it happend.

Yes, they still leave thier bin out :)
One neighbour virtually never uses their garden. Maybe not odd for an old or elderly person, but they are a young couple (i guess in their twenties) with a young baby/child.

I've never seen them in it except for when their parents come over, who obviously harangue them into tidying/cutting back the garden a bit when they are there. The rest of the time it is basically abandoned.
Our first neighbour when I moved out and we got our first place was a right piece of work. We had a shared driveway and every night he'd bring out a large piece of plywood and hang it from the wing mirror supposedly to stop me opening my door and smashing into his (which I never did there was quite a bit of space!). Eventually he got a new car, a week later a bloke down the road got a similar car so he made A3 sized signs up saying "I got mine first" and blu tacked them to the inside of his windows. One winter our side fence blew over into his garden and I was woken up by his grunting trying to push it over into ours, I went to see him about it getting fixed and if he wanted to split the cost and he chased me out of his house trying to hit me with a long metal ladel he grabbed off the wall. When the Mrs was 7 months pregnant he cornered her and started yelling in her face about why we haven't fixed our fence yet, whilst kicking the remaining bit of fence down.

His name was Alan and to this day I take an immediate dislike to all Alan's. For the first year after moving I was motivated enough to sign his address up to various junk mail site mainly ladies fashion catalogues, hearing aids and adult nappies samples etc, hopefully it caused him some anxiety.

Our neighbours where we moved too are absolutely fantastic, although elderly so at some point we'll be at the mercy of luck again.
On a street of around five houses, I'm easily dragging the average age of the street down, so the most out there things i've seen the neighbours doing was furiously re-arranging plant pots in their back garden..
Another one springs to mind at an old house springs to mind.

A neighbour called the police on us after they just moved in after their kids kicked two footballs over our fence which the dog thought was Christmas day and proceeded to rip them apart. When said neighbour popped around to claim them back she went off on one and started claiming criminal damage. The Bobby told her to get a grip
They let their yappy little old blind dog out at 6:30am every day and let it wander round the garden barking at everything - this goes on for a few hours until they decide it's time for her to come in. None of us like it but don't have the balls to speak to them about it!

Maybe it's dog sonar :D
Our first neighbour when I moved out and we got our first place was a right piece of work. We had a shared driveway and every night he'd bring out a large piece of plywood and hang it from the wing mirror supposedly to stop me opening my door and smashing into his (which I never did there was quite a bit of space!). Eventually he got a new car, a week later a bloke down the road got a similar car so he made A3 sized signs up saying "I got mine first" and blu tacked them to the inside of his windows. One winter our side fence blew over into his garden and I was woken up by his grunting trying to push it over into ours, I went to see him about it getting fixed and if he wanted to split the cost and he chased me out of his house trying to hit me with a long metal ladel he grabbed off the wall. When the Mrs was 7 months pregnant he cornered her and started yelling in her face about why we haven't fixed our fence yet, whilst kicking the remaining bit of fence down.

His name was Alan and to this day I take an immediate dislike to all Alan's. For the first year after moving I was motivated enough to sign his address up to various junk mail site mainly ladies fashion catalogues, hearing aids and adult nappies samples etc, hopefully it caused him some anxiety.

Our neighbours where we moved too are absolutely fantastic, although elderly so at some point we'll be at the mercy of luck again.
Well Alan sounds like a ****
I think I've been fairly fortunate, most people have been fine and as I try to live and let live, it seems to lead to a more peaceful life.

But I'd say I've had 2 odd neighbours, one (in south wales) ripped his grass frontage up and put tarmac in its place to make a much larger driveway, but he only had 1 car and enough parking for 8+.. That was due to other neighbours parking in front of his house apparently.
And my current neighbour is a little odd in being a busy body and a little obsessed with his boundary line.. but I helped him through planning as we've both had extensions built and used the same architect and specifically asked the architect to talk him through the boundary marker left by the builder and reassure him everything will be OK.. He was out there for 2 weeks with a tape measure but finally reconciled it. The funny thing is, he 'accidentally' moved his fence 30cm in to our garden, we had to make him move part of it back, but let him keep some of it in the new position as we have a much larger garden and who cares about 30cm? It largely got sorted when the extension was built (ours was to the boundary) but even getting the driveway done, I had to get a string line from the kerb boundary marker to our house boundary to show him it was a few cm's in on our side and if anything he'd gained a whopping 10cm of land at the front.. he seemed happy!
Another one springs to mind at an old house springs to mind.

A neighbour called the police on us after they just moved in after their kids kicked two footballs over our fence which the dog thought was Christmas day and proceeded to rip them apart. When said neighbour popped around to claim them back she went off on one and started claiming criminal damage. The Bobby told her to get a grip

That's hilarious. Calling the police because your neighbours dog damaged your kids football after having kicked it into their garden...seriously what the hell.
Actually, thinking back, we had a really odd neighbour about 15 years ago. He once rang the doorbell of our house with one of my cats under each arm. He told me to tell my cats not to walk on his lawn.
He also told me not to park my car on my grass outside my house because he didn't like how it looked.
Tbh I get the parking moans from some neighbours ,in West Yorkshire we would get familys with 3 or 4 cars who would dump them outside yours when there was communal parking a hundred ft away ,lazy toss pots tbh
Only weird thing our neighbours do is hog the spaces outside the house. The parking here is a bit **** but worst it ever gets is parking 1 minutes walk away. They go to quite extreme lengths sometimes to keep them.

The other day one of their daughters BFs parked in the space. When the daughter got home 10 minutes later he moved and she went in and then 10 minutes after that the mum got the space when she left. It was a thing of beauty to be fair. As the daughter pulled out, the mum was in their within about 2s. Formula 1-esque.

Guy has 5 daughters of varying ages so at one point there were like 6 cars related to that one house around us. Annoying but not illegal in any way. Both neighbours are lovely as well so can't have any complaints.
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